Lucy Heartfilia

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Hello there... I'm lucy heartfilia daughter of Jude Heartfilia the CEO of Heartfilia corporation he's very well know and very respected throughout the country, my father handles a lot of companies.

Clothing company:
• love & Lucky's clothing company.

Journalism companies:
• Celestial keys Journalism company
• Zodiac seeker Journalism company

Casino company:
• Yellow taco Casino
• Golden Hearts casino
• Edolas casino
• LeoVegas casino

With all of these companies give our family a very large income every year it doesn't mean that i'm a spoiled brat.

I have long silky blonde hair above my waist which i got from my mother,
She is now dead because of an Mafia war- oops... I mean was diseased 2 years ago, currently i'm 23 years old and i live with my father and our estate.

I have two jobs one ,I'm the ceo of two of my billion dollar Journalist company which my father has handed to me 2 years ago i'll explain my other job later, my job is not that hard cause I love being a journalist it's my dream job.

oh i almost forgot i have a dog name plue and the twin brother who runs his own secret company or should I say organisation his name is sting heartfilia.









Now do you remember i said i had to jobs? well the other one is that i'm an assassin along with my twin brother sting, now you guys are probably thinking since you guys are assassins wouldn't you get caught? Cause your father I very well known?
well actually that's the best part! because we never get caught since we are the Jude Heartfilia's children everyone thinks that we're well behaved but actually we're killers! 😊

Now we have our own code names mine is Celestia a lot of people call me that in different mafias because i seduce people luring them in with my charms and assets then later that night i kill them! not a virgin. all of the mafias and other drug dealers and smugglers don't really know that the Jude's daughter is actually an assassin as well as her twin. And my brother's code name is the light dragon

Mainly because almost everytime when he assassinates people he uses flash bombs to blind them and slice their throats afterwards. you must understand we don't just kill random people here.

We actually kill the enemies of the government, in short people who don't follow the rules and keep breaking them from time to time such as rapists, drug dealers, children traffickers, sex traffickers, human smugglers, exotic animal smugglers (which is actually very illegal), jewel smugglers, illegal gangs, especially our worst enemie.....









Now my brother said that there are different types of mafia's the good and the bad but it's really hard to believe cause my or our mother died in one of the Mafia wars, he try to prove it to me by building his own mafia...which i wasn't really sure what's going on in that bat brain of his but the little by little i learned to respect his mafia and his mafia only,

when he told me that he's coming in contact with other mafias to create deals i started to get worried and told him know because i don't want him to die in a pointless fight 😭 but as hard headed as he is it didn't listen... Three years later he is now 23 i hate to admit it but he's actually been doing really good with his mafia our Mafia has become more accurate in finding a lot of the smugglers and the legal gangs of course our father knows about this because he is an elite a
Mafia boss himself, there was a Heartfilia Mafia once but it got disband when my mother passway.

One day my brother asked me to join his mafia he called Sabertooth and after back and forth of arguing i finally said yes... But i didn't get a tattoo or anything that shows that i'm part of this mafia because that would be bad if i'm on an assassination and my clients or victim finds out about it then they would target his mafia.


  718 Words not bad anyways thanks for reading this chapter i will update as soon as possible!

-Mafia_ hottie out!

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