9.5: the restricted section (cont.)

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snape caught you and tom in the middle of the night out of your dorms. what will you do now?


"Care to explain why you're here at this hour?" you heard a familiar dreadful voice utter from behind you, startling the life out of you. Slowly, you turned around with petrified smile on your face as you trembled in anxiety. Tom, on the other hand, kept calm, chewing on his bottom lip as you both glanced up to see Professor Snape glaring at the both of you.

"Sir, forgive me, I was on my way back to the dorm from my prefect duties," Tom stammered, digging his way out of this utter mess as he gradually stood up, trying to not seem intimidating or driven. Snape simply raised an eyebrow at him and let out a disappointed sigh.

"And you, Miss... L/N?" the man muttered, his voice going deeper at every word. You pulled yourself up, patting off the dust on your pyjamas as you gave the tall, intimidating man an awkward smile.

"Sorry sir, I was... sleepwalking," you stuttered.

"Don't... lie to me," he uttered coldly, each word sending chills down your spine. You slowly backed away, your hand squeezing Tom's in fear. He softly winced in pain, but he didn't let go.

You grasped onto your wand, swinging it to Snape as you yelled, "obliviate!"

You and Tom ran as fast as you both could, speeding as far as your feet could carry you. You panted in exhaustion as you felt your life drain out of you each step you took, and your feet began to ache at every turn the both of you made. A wave of nausea rushed over you as your surroundings began to spin around you, blurring your vision. You felt the air from your lungs escape through your nose the more you panted, taking in lesser and lesser air. As for Tom Riddle, he seemed more athletic than you were at this. You were starting to think this wasn't his first time.

"Breathe, Y/N," Tom muttered under his breath, his sweat soaking through his robe and trickling down his neck, his pale skin glistering in the dark. The boy slowed down in front of you, grabbing your waist as he noticed you were gradually losing control of your own body. You both stopped in the middle of the narrow, dark hallway, panting in exhaustion. Tom let out an amused chuckle, wondering how he could've avoided this situation if he hadn't bumped into you while your thoughts were rampaging your mind, tearing down every piece of your sanity. Your legs wobbled as your control over your body gradually slipped away from you. A wince escaped your lips as your fragile body crashed on the bricked surface.

"Fuc— stay with me," Tom panicked, his eyes widening as he realised you were losing conscious. His knees collapsed onto the floor as he caught your head from cracking on the floor. He let out a relieved sigh, but still his heart pounded out of his chest as he realised the situation had gotten worse than he thought it could ever go. With all the strength Riddle had left, he tossed you over his shoulder, grasping onto your thighs as he stumbled back to the Slytherin common room.


You found yourself back in your dorm the next morning as gentle rays of green light resting on your scarred face. You groaned in pain as you were awoken by an excruciating ache on your back. Your hands crawled down to your back, weakly punching the ache off your body but it only grew more painful.

You gazed around your room, sighing in exhaustion. You were quite disappointed you hadn't succeeded sneaking into the restricted section. It was one of your many achievable goals, yet you had failed. A groan escaped your lips as your head filled itself with rage and disappointment, but it all seemed to pause for a moment when your gaze landed on Tom Riddle, who was sleeping peacefully on your armchair. His face, covered in dirt, blood stains and scars, had never looked more peaceful. You squinted your eyes to clear your vision, but it was too early for you to function properly.

"What the fuck were you doing out so late last night?" Tom asked, his raspy, morning voice bringing out a part of you you never knew existed. You cleared your throat awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with him when you could barely even see anything clearly.

"None of your business," you scoffed, crashing onto your mattress.

"It is now! You brought me into this mess!"

"Well, you're the one who grabbed me out of nowhere! If you hadn't approached me, you wouldn't have to go through this!"

He paused for a moment, inhaling sharply. You could sense his from annoyance from a distance, his energy tensing the room as it engulfed you.

"You were heading to the library, weren't you?"

Silence fell between the two of you as the air solidified, making it harder for you to breathe. His gaze on you only intensified, like lasers burning through your skin. A soft sigh escaped your lips as you stared at the ceiling. The urge to simply run out of the room and jump of the astronomy tower built up as seconds went by; you couldn't possibly tell him anything. It would ruin your whole scheme.

"Not exactly," you replied.

"Right, I was vague."

"No, you weren't."

"The restricted section, perhaps?"

You felt your blood boiling, rushing through your veins as a wave of anxiety crashed upon you, reminding you of your failure. All you could do at that moment was admit.

But you didn't.


"I can help you with that," he said, his voice being as monotonous as ever. Yet a rush of emotions came rushing down on you as you hastily got up, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

He smirked, his eyes gazing right into your soul. He knew exactly what you wanted, and there he found an opportunity. A benefit.

And he was out to take it.

"What?" you asked in confusion. Clearly, he looked as if he knew what exactly he was doing, and that scared you. You didn't know him that well, but the energy he radiated from within was too bothersome for you to so simply ignore. "Tom, what is it?"

"The name 'horcrux' sound familiar to you?" he asked, a sinister smirk forming on his face as he watched your complexion turn pale.


yall please read the updated "before you start" chapter :D thanks!

imma let your mind run wild for this one. am not making a part three.

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