Give me an airconditioner... It's hot here!

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If you come to Singapore, don't bother to pack a sweater. Why? Simple... Singapore is a tropical area! It is so warm that even Singaporeans themselves need a fan... At least. You should bring a singlet instead. I mean it. You will melt once you even step out of Changi Airport. When you have winter, we have summer. Do we have the 4 seasons? Of course not. No spring, where the flowers bloom. No autumn, where you jump in and out of leaf piles, no winter, where you stay by the furnace and drink a hot cocoa. Just summer all the way. Won't the flowers be drooping, you will ask. No, it is VERY humid here. One minute it is raining cats and dogs, one minute it is burning hot. Singapore's weather is unpredictable. Where to visit? For the next chapter...

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