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So Welcome to all the judges who want to take out thier valuable time and participate in this award !

Since you all are taking so much pain so there is an additional award for the judges in order to acknowledge all your efforts .

We will be giving out a best judge award and an honourable mention too ! And above that

For every judge :

-A follow from me
-A shoutout to your book on my mb

Now coming to the rules :

1. Follow this account _miss_idealist_
And ScarletCommunity

2. Give a shout out to this award on your message board.

3. Add this book to your public reading list and private library .

4.No partiality . We trust with a responsibility so you should give an impartial judgement. For you all the participants are equal .The password is your favorite dish.

5. Don't accept Bribe . If you find any participant trying to bribe you then report it to me or scarlet immediately .

6. You can judge at once 3 categories . But not the one in which you are participating.

7.Judging is quite a big responsibility so don't enter if you can't take up the responsibility .

8.If you want you can follow back participants . But that's totally optional.

If you find any of the contestants not following you then report it to me or scarlet .

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