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This is from the 18th chapter (actually it's almost the whole chapter).
That's what happened after they saved Q.
I deleted the first part, which you don't need to understand this.
They're in the hospital.


James rested a hand on the mattress, not so distant from Q's hand.
The agent moved slowly the hand next to the quartermaster's one.
He chocked his fingers and finally he had the confirmation Q was really there.
James took the man's hand in his own. It was cold and small.
He chocked the back of his hand, with gently movements, trying not to wake him up.
He stayed like that for a while, with an half smile on his face.
Finally he had got to see him again and he would have made sure Q wouldn't have gotten in the same situation twice.
The quartermaster took a heavier breath. His eyes started to move, until his eylids opened, reaviling the blue green irises.
Q's eyes observed the ceiling for a while. He seemed calm.
Then his breath got faster. Q pulled away James' hand from his own, trying to sit down with one click.
His face twisted into a grimace of pain and he put both arms around his pelvic.
He tried to hold back screams of pain and collapsed on the mattress, lying on his right side, facing James.
It all happened so suddenly that the agent didn't have time to react.
James got up from the chair, while Q was groaning in pain.
The agent started to choke his forehead, moving some hair.
Q was shaking.

- Bond? - Q asked.

The agent shivered hearing how much weak and hoarse his voice was.
James took the glasses from the bedside table, holding them to Q.
The quartermaster grabbed them, a little insecure, and put them on.
In that moment he smiled, glad he was able to see again.
James smiled back, choking Q's hair, but then he pulled back when the quartermaster winced.

- It's all okay, you're safe - James said.

Q started to calm down and he laid on his back.
He was looking straight at James, saying nothing at all.
Then he turned at the window, to look again at the agent immediately after.

- We are in India?! - Q realized, visibly confused.

James nodded.

- Yeah, you didn't know that? - he answered.

Q cleared his throat before talking again.

- I never got out of... there -

James sighed as Q's face turned serious. He was looking at something in the back of the room, but there was nothing except for a white wall.

- How do you feel? - James asked.

Q turned to face him.
He gasped for a second, before he could find an answer.

- I... I don't know -

James sighed and looked at the bedside table: there were some slices of mango and a bag of litchis left.

- Are you hungry? - he asked.

Q, who was looking at the window again, turned with a tired and weak smile.

- I'd kill -

James giggled, while Q was struggling to sit himself up, slower than before.
The agent didn't help him, because he was afraid of hurting him.
The quartermaster surrended after a few seconds, due to pain.

- Do you want me to help you? - James asked.

Q sighed.

- Yes, please -

James approached him, lifting his back from the mattress, clutching him by the chest.
Q clung to James girding his neck with his arms.
The agent lifted Q up, resting his back on the headboard of the bed.
The quartermaster groaned, making small movements on the mattress in order to find a more comfortable position.

- It hurts? - James asked.

Q seemed to relax.

- No, not now -

James put the fruit on Q's lap.

- Thank you - said Q.

He took a slice with his thin fingers. He took a bite and after chewing for a while he started to eat more voraciously.
James, seeing so much aggressiveness, giggled.

- When was the last time you ate something? You vulture - James asked.

Q looked at him, then he answered with the mouth half ful of fruit.

- Two or three days - this was the answer.


Q looked at the window.

- I've always wanted to go to India, since I was a child - he said.

He ate the last fruit.

- Just... not in this way -


- When will they allow me to leave? - Q asked.

James didn't know that, but the quartermaster looked better than when they brought him out of the military base. (where he was taken as a prisoner)

- They'll tell us tomorrow, they've got to check on you - James answered.

While James was arranging the remains of the lunch, the quartermaster started to play with his own fingers.
When the agent looked at him, he found him intent on staring at his hands. He was serious, he seemed lost somewhere.
He just winced, for a moment.

- Q? - James called.

The quartermaster didn't move.
The agent was up to shake him when he talked.

- Oliver - Q said.

James frowned, confused.

- What? - he asked.

Q looked at him, just smiling.

- It's my name: Oliver Cooke - he explained.

The next scenes will be very similar to this

00Q Moments - CompilationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora