Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The Truck hit a bump and I hit my head on the window. Owww. I looked out said window to find that it is mid-day and the interstate had become country roads that led to little towns and homes out in the country. It's so nice and peaceful, it reminds me of home and the little dirt road we lived on. Not much traffic here, not much traffic there. I closed my eyes remembering home. I looked over to see a pretty tired Charlie still driving along. Somewhere between listening to music I fell asleep and Charlie turned the music off.

"Hey Charlie do you want me to drive for a little bit," he looked over at me and smiled.

"No thanks I'm stopping at a gas station to fill up and I'll get something to drink there," probably more coffee.

I nodded and went back to looking out the window, suddenly bored I grabbed my carry on bag and grabbed my notepad from it. In my spare time I love to draw and doodle, but I'm not any good. Well my friends say I'm good I'm just to ignorant to believe them. I have thousands of books with sketches in them, I made sure to bring them with me. But I can't stop drawing little things sometimes. Like right now I'm drawing and apple but it's probably going to turn into something completely different. I already have a feeling that it's going to turn into Aphrodite with Paris from the Greeks giving him Helen as thanks for saying that the golden apple belonged to her.

I could envision what was going on when it happened and I think that Athena deserved the apple, she could give him much more than a girl and in truth he could have been smart and still have gotten Helen. I don't know it's pretty weird that I have feeling with my drawings but I'd rather I get feelings from what I make then no feelings at all.

I started to make a table and put gold flecks on the apple. There was a mirror behind the apple that showed it's reflection but upon looking in the mirror it showed the apple to be rotten and disgusting. If apples had tears this one would be making a river. After a while I go bored from this and put it back in my bag. Charlie stopped at the gas station and went to get some stuff while the car was filling up. He came back with a coffee in his hands and I cream cheese bagel.

The car stopped pumping gas and he got in, handing me the bagel he took a sip.

"You didn't have to get me a bagel," he looked at me with a frown.

"Well I thought you might like it, it came free with my coffee anyways," I nodded and devoured the bagel. I'm a big bagel fan, but this doesn't taste lake Vermont cream cheese. I love Vermont's dairy and maple products, I even brought some maple syrup with me. I smiled at the thought anyways and finished my bagel. Yummm.

"So we should be there in about 30 minutes," the soon.


The car went back into silence and I kind of like it. I noticed us going through a big town, which led us driving towards a mountain looking place, the road actually curved right up along the road. It got hotter as we made it up into the mountain. Then there was a flat and we just drove for awhile.

There is some small farm that we drove past but nothing that big. Then we stopped, turned on a gravel road that actually is a drive way...a distance back I can see the ranch and it's beautiful. To my left on the other side of Charlie there was an old house that looks like it hasn't been used in awhile. On the right there was open field, past the house on the left there was a garage looking place, then on the right a big open barnish thing that held hay in it. There's also a section for a tractor and other things. Then following up on the left was a shed, a coral, and a open pasture that was filled with cows. On the right was a pond.

"I built the pond," I gasped and he laughed.

Then woods surrounded the back of the house and to the right side but the cows could still go there. Then we came up to the ranch and it was so pretty. I marveled at all the beauty that made up the ranch. In the middle of the front yard was a small patch of circular grass that made the drive loop around and go back up to the road.

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