Chapter 1 A Weird Beginning

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Harry first three years were challenging but went well, he had to defeat Quirrel, because the professor had the dark lord inside him.  He had to defeat a snake called a Basilisk because a dark wizard of Lucius  Malfoy put a diary with unspeakable power and set loose the Snake in the school. In Harry's third year he found out Sirius Black his godfather and Remus Lupin a werewolf.

It was Harry's fourth year of Hogwarts, he was hoping this term won't be so chaotic, this year but unfortunately his  name got put in the Goblet of Fire. His first challenge was defeat a dragon. Then his next task was to rescue his friends in a lake he also went to a ball and danced the whole night. The following day his challenge was to find the cup at the end of the maze. His classmate Cedric and him found the cup and was transported to a graveyard. The Dark Lord was resurrected he challenged Harry to a wizard duel they fought each other. Voldemort did a new spell he said "Centurion backward." It managed to hit him and he disappeared in time. Lucius saw what happened took the body back to Hogwarts. He said "Lord Voldemort has returned and Harry Potter has been transported in time." Dumbledore was worried and McGonagal was concerned and asked "How did this happen?" Lucius explained his story about the battle and Voldemort saying  a new spell that made Harry  vanished in time.

Lucius went back to his manor. Ron and Hermionone were concerned and asked "How will Harry return?" Dumbledore replied "I haven't got a clue this my first experience with wizard time travel."

In 1894 Harry landed with a thud in the great hall. There were a birthday celebrating the banner said Happy 14th Birthday Albus Dumbledore and Harry gulped and thought "How on earth am I  supposed to return." All the students were bewildered by this new wizard that came from the sky. The Headmaster Dippet said "Who are young man?"  Harry replied "I am Jacob Rawlins, I accidentally got here." Dippet said "Well come to my office and I can help and sort you in temporary house." Jacob followed the Headmaster closely and arrived in the office. Dippet said to the hat "This Jacob Rawlins and he's our new student he's stuck here he's from the future."

The hat was intrigued and was put on Jacob head and said "Wonderful to meet you, oh wow you are long in the past how in Merlin's beard have you made exactly 100 years in the past?" Jacob replied "A Future evil wizard sent me. Do you know how I can get home?" the hat replied "Yes but you need strong magic which you currently haven't got maybe this Headmaster  has an idea or the healer in this school."

Then the hat shouted "Gryffindor." Jacob took the hat off and asked Dippet "The hat said I need stronger magic to return to my time-line, have you any idea?" Dippet replied "Yes I do, but you need to be sixteen for the idea to work." Jacob said "I don't mind spending time in the past, but what happened when school finished for the year?" Dippet replied "You can go home with one of the students I am sure Albus Dumbledore wouldn't mind he misses having someone his age to study with."
Jacob gulped and said "Albus is part of my future and his magic is strong." Dippet said "Excellent my idea will work, I just need you go to the infirmary and meet Madam Nightengale and test if your the lucky wizard that can have children because if that's the case then maybe your future generation can send you forward."

Jacob gulped and asked "Will Albus be the father of the child?" Dippet replied with a question "Yes will that be problem?"  Jacob replied "No that shouldn't be a problem."

Dippet smirked and asked "Is Albus someone who would kill you if he found out what happened in the past?" Jacob blushed slightly and decided to the truth to Dippet  "Probably because  he's my Headmaster in my time-line I am 100 years in his future."
Dippet asked "Does a thing like this happen to you often?"
Jacob replied "Yeah quite often. Why  me! why does this happen to me! I was hoping for a normal year at Hogwarts but no I get sent to the past."

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