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It was a chilly Christmas eve for Beomgyu and Taehyun, the two were currently making hot chocolate so they could watch a Christmas movie together like they always do every year.

[Taehyun]: "Do you want marshmallows in your hot chocolate baby?"

[Beomgyu]: "Yes please!"

Taehyun cooed at his boyfriend's adorableness and added marshmallows into Beomgyu's hot chocolate.

Then Taehyun heard Beomgyu gasp,

[Taehyun]: "What's wrong Gyu-"

[Beomgyu]: "TAE IT'S SNOWING!"

Beomgyu jumped up and down excitedly running towards their porch of the cabin and looking out the window. The couple always stayed at their cabin every December and stayed there until after new years.

[Taehyun]: *chuckles*

[Taehyun]: "Really?"

[Beomgyu]: "Yeah look! Look!"

[Taehyun]: *gasps*

[Taehyun]: "Wow it really is snowing!"

[Beomgyu]: "Can we go outside please~?"

[Taehyun]: "It's to cold outside bub and it's kinda dark.."

Beomgyu pouted, Taehyun usually never let him go outside of the cabin at night because Taehyun was scared Beomgyu would be taken away by some random person and Taehyun was very paranoid, which is why Taehyun practically follows Beomgyu everywhere. But that didn't stop Beomgyu to keep insisting.

[Beomgyu]: "Please! I'll wear my coat and my hat! And you could see very well outside cause we have light practically every where Tae! Plus it's Christmas eve too so please~?"

Beomgyu gave Taehyun puppy eyes.

Taehyun stared at Beomgyu for a moment and then he gave in, he couldn't say no to Beomgyu, he was to adorable.

[Beomgyu]: "YAY! I LOVE YOU!"

Beomgyu jumped happily and gave Taehyun a hug before running to they're shared bedroom to get ready.

𝖙𝖝𝖙 𝖈𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖘 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘Where stories live. Discover now