1. An accident

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It was a casual winter morning in Nashville. Just another typical day for Taylor and Joe. They have been together for 5 years now and they can't imagine life without each other. And this day was going to be a good day to prove it...

Taylor's POV

„Hi babe" – Joe said when he noticed me walking to him and when I was close enough he kissed me

„Hey, what are you doing?" – I asked

„Pancakes, I know you love them" – he said and smiled at me and I smiled back

"Awww thanks, add some chocolate syrup, please" - I made puppy eyes which always worked and he just shook his head and chuckled

I went to the living room and turned the tv on. That's how we usually spend our mornings. Watching tv, eating breakfast and cuddling and today was no different.

We were just enjoying our time when my phone rang. I picked it up from the coffee table and I saw that Tree, my pubicist is calling. I turned the volume of tv down and answered the phone.

Taylor: Hello?
Tree: Hi Taylor, please tell me you don't have any plans for today's evening
Taylor: Umm no, I do not. Why?
Tree: That's really good. Can you please meet me today at 6pm?
Taylor: Yeah sure, but did something happen?
Tree: No, everything is okay, don't worry. But it's kind of urgent, we have to talk about it today.
Taylor: Okay but where?
Tree: I think the place where we always go would be the best, is that okay?
Taylor: Sure, see you!
Tree: Bye

I put the phone down and Joe looked at me probably waiting to hear what did she say.

„That was Tree. She wants to meet me today. I will have to leave at 5:40 okay?" – I casually said

„Okay but did she say why?" – he asked

„No but she said it's urgent so I think I have no choice"

He nodded and wrapped his arms around me and I enjoyed the moment sinking in his gorgeous perfume that he always used.

~some hours later~

The weather wasn't great anymore, it was snowing really hard and it didn't seem like it's gonna stop anytime soon.

„Taylor, maybe I'll drive you? Look, it's snowing pretty hard, it's dangerous" – Joe tried to convince me

„Joe, it's fine. I have driving license since I was 17, I know how to drive don't worry. But I have to go now, see you"

„Be careful, I love you" – he kissed me

„I love you too. When I get back we can order pizza and watch something huh?"

"Sure babe, bye"

With that I went straight to my car. I fastened seatbelts, turned the radio on and headed to meet Tree.

It was snowing as bad as it was before and she had to use windshield wipers to be able to actually see the road. She was driving for 10 minutes and suddenly the windshield wipers stopped working and the snow started covering the front window and she was having a hard time to see what's going on on the road. She tried to fix it and when she took her eyes off of the road for a second the last thing she heard was a crush noise. Then everything went black...

Tree's POV

I was waiting for Taylor to arrive. It was already 6:13 and she still haven't showed up. It was pretty weird. She was never late and even if she was she always sent a message that she would be late. This time I didn't get any message... I decided to call Joe. Luckily he answered immediately...

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