Zuko and Ethan Nakamura

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Okay, this is kinda random, but I was just on Ao3 and saw this one Zukka fic. It's called Swipe Right by Armin42 if you wanna check it out. I can't tell you if it's good or not though cuz I only read the first sentence lol. Anywho, I saw that Zuko's last name was Nakamura in this particular fic and was like ETHAN and then I was like, HOLD UP. Cuz Ethan has his eyepatch and Zuko has his scar and they both have emotional trauma and the need to prove themselves, AND HOLY JDUCUIBOISNAO I ALSO JUST REALIZED THAT BOTH OF THEIR FACIAL INJURIES CAME FROM THEIR PARENTS HOLY OJHWIBAIX. So anywho, then I was like, so there has GOT to be SOMETHING with the both of them. Maybe even just a one shot or drabble, but NO, there was NOTHING. So ya, if anyone finds this worthy of writing, please tell meeee so I can read it lol. Oh, and even if you just like the idea or have ever had any similar thoughts or anything, please feel free to comment. I love typing to people! 

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