Some Stuff To Know

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Okay cupcakes, here's the deal: I'm Percy Jackson obsessed. Deal with it. Probably everything in here is gonna be a Percy Jackson crossover, so if you don't know what that is then... well I guess you can read this if you are totally super bored but I'm not sure you'll be able to write/have read anything that I'm in dire need of...

Anywho, a few rules I have in case y'all have any stuff for me to read, I don't like:

Percabeth unless it's Rick Riordan writing it cuz otherwise it makes me sad. Perzoe, Perlia, Pertemis, ANY OTHER HUNTER OR MAIDEN. Like, where did these even come from? Percy with literally any girl cuz they're not Annabeth. If you enjoy writing or reading any of the stuff I just mentioned, I don't mean to offend you at all. All of this stuff is great I'm sure, I just don't enjoy reading it is all. I kinda love Jercy, even though I don't really like Jason that much. Percico is pretty great, Percy and Peter Parker is adorable, Percy and Draco Malfoy is amazing, and Percy with almost any other dude I can probably be made to stan. 

Also, I'm kinda picky. And a little itty-bitty baby child, so please try to help me protect my little baby brain from scary stuff ( can handle violence, but not like... stuff that isn't for baby eyes that goes on between two people... that sort of stuff lol). 

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