World's End (4x22)

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Summary: you and the team beat AIDA and know you're going to be arrested for everything that happened, so you go to eat one last meal at a restaurant. There, you get taken and sent through the Monolith.

From the moment Coulson asked if anyone else was hungry, you knew everyone had accepted they were definitely going to get locked up for everything that happened with AIDA, Radcliffe and the Ghost Rider. 

It had especially been a hellish year for you, because you had lost Daisy after the last time you had saved the world. After Lincoln died, she had run away and it were torturous months were you didn't know where she was or if she was even still alive. 

You had been so angry with her after she came back to the team a couple months ago for not coming to you with her thoughts and problems. It had taken you both some time to figure out if you wanted to be together again, but at the end, you were meant for each other and decided to try again and just forget everything that happened.

Besides, Daisy was still hurting and you loved her too much to not care. It had been weird after you came out of the framework because you had been together in there but not in real life. So when she pulled you out of the exploding drilling platform, the first thing you did was kiss her.

Your plan to catch up on lost time probably went down the drain because you were getting arrested without a doubt.

Right now, the whole team was sitting at the bar of a little diner you had found in town. The fries in front of you looked delicious, but you couldn't get yourself to eat anything. 

Around you, everyone was chatting happily, knowing this could be one of the last times they were together. You tried to follow their example, but Damocles' sword above your head ruined the mood for you. 

Daisy was chatting with Jemma, who was dealing with her own depressed partner. Fitz was stabbing his food with his fork, shifting it around on his plate. His reason to do that was different though. 

A hand on your leg startled you out of your thoughts. ''Are you okay?'' Daisy asked in a low voice, keeping the conversation between you two.

You dropped your fork, dragging your hands over your face in despair. ''No, Daisy, I'm not.'' You took a deep breath after hearing how rude that sounded and turned to look at her concerned eyes. ''I just came out of a mind prison and not even a couple hours later, we are going to be arrested. And that all just after I got you back.''

Daisy laid her hand over your own, which was resting on the counter. ''We will be fine, I promise.''

''How can you be so sure?'' You stared into her brown eyes for any sign of doubt or lies, but there was only confidence.

''Because after the year we've had, a guy with a flaming head, a killer android and a mind prison, a real prison can't hold us,'' she smirked, and you couldn't help but feel a little bit better.

A silence fell between you, but neither one of you looked away. ''I really missed you,'' you whispered to her. If this would be one of the last times you saw her, you needed to have said it.

''I missed you too.'' A smile lit up her face as she squeezed your hand. 

You were happy she had found her way back to you and the team and she was feeling better than a couple months ago. You had been so worried about her mental health and had been afraid to lose her.

The woman behind the bar, probably the owner of the diner, interrupted your moment and everyone else's conversations. ''Anybody have room for some pie?'' She was met with enthusiastic answers and even though you hadn't eaten your fries, a pie sounded great. ''Okay, so we have apple, strawberry, rhubarb, and chocolate banana cream.''

Right after she spoke the last syllable, the lights went out. Your heart dropped to the floor, knowing this wasn't an ordinary blackout. 

Bright lights from outside shone through the window, giving the whole situation an even more eerie feeling. 

Next to you, Coulson dropped his cutlery and raised his hands in surrender. ''Here we go,'' he said. 

You and the team followed his example, holding up your hands, and you shared an anxious look with Daisy. 

The other guests in the diner obviously had no idea what was going on, so when a big team of soldiers stormed in, guns aimed at the team sitting at the bar, murmurs filled the room. They didn't bother you, because they had no idea what was going on, but it still didn't feel nice to just give up without a fight. 

''Phillip j. Coulson.'' A calm voice stated behind you. It was less of a question if he got the right person and more like calling his name.

You didn't turn around to look at the person speaking, afraid that would mean a bullet in your head, but saw from the corner of your eye that this man was different. He wasn't wearing protective clothing, body armor and a helmet, instead he wore a suit. Just a regular black suit. You couldn't help but feel like something was off.

''Yep, that's me. You got us. Nice job. And hey, congrats on the whole power-outage thing. It was very ominous.'' Coulson joked lightly, and the confidence in which he spoke gave you some hope that Daisy had been right. Maybe they were getting out of prison. 

What happened next, you still didn't know. One minute you were sitting at the bar with your hands raised, waiting for someone to handcuff you or knock you out and the next thing you know, you wake up standing up, tied to your teammates in a dark room. 

You had lost time, that was for sure, but how, you didn't know. 

Because everyone was tied together with their backs towards each other, you couldn't see everyone and make sure they were all there. ''Daisy?'' you asked, panic lacing your voice.

And when she didn't answer immediately, you repeated her name a little louder and with more worry. 

''I'm right here,'' her soft voice came from behind you and sounded disoriented. Clearly she had just woken up.

You took a deep breath of relief. ''Are you okay?''

''Is everyone alright?'' Coulson asked before she could answer. 

''Yeah, I think so,'' was Mack's answer. 

After making sure everyone was fine, you all concentrated on your surroundings. You were standing next to Coulson and felt him stiffen by something he saw. Turning to your left, you froze in your spot. 

There stood a monolith. It was a lot whiter than the one from last year, but it was definitely a monolith. You wanted to struggle against your restrains because you knew what was about to happen, but it was of no use.

The moment the stone started to melt, you closed your eyes. A darkness washed over you, literally and figuratively as the last thing you thought of when you passed out was that wherever you were going, Daisy would be there.

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