Lost Without You

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This is based off the song 'Lost Without You' from Freya Ridings. I love that song but it is a bit sad so be warned. 

Standing on the platform, watching you go
It's like no other pain I've ever known
To love someone so much, to have no control
You said, "I wanna see the world" and I said, "Go"

You stood on the ground in the hanger of the base, watching as the ramp of the Quinjet slowly closed, hiding more and more of your girlfriend. She didn't turn back around, which was probably for the best because you didn't want her to see you cry.

It had been a couple days since Lincoln's death and Daisy couldn't handle it. No matter how much you wanted to be there for her and how much you fought over it, she didn't want your help and pushed you away. 

You knew that once she had made up her mind, there was no changing it. So when she announced she was leaving, you had just nodded and helped her pack. This was something she had to figure out on her own. 

But it hurt you so much to let her go. Knowing how reckless she could be and how deeply she felt, you couldn't help but fear for her. 

But I think I'm lost without you
I just feel crushed without you
'Cause I've been strong for so long
I never thought how much I needed you
I think I'm lost without you

A week has passed since Daisy left. A week without the person you loved most in this world. No phone calls, no sign of life. She was smart enough not to take a phone with her and to cover her tracks, so you had completely lost her. And that was exactly how it felt in your stomach. 

You just felt lost. Lost without her airy laughs at your jokes. Lost without her arms around you while you were curled against her body. Lost without the simple conversations and the soft kisses in the morning. 

The team was there for you, understanding this was harder for you than them, but they couldn't fill the hole Daisy had left behind. 

You thought you were strong, but never realized how much you needed her to keep you sane. The fake smiles and 'I'm fine's' towards the team were starting to tear you down. And although they didn't fool anyone, nobody knew how to help you. The thing was, they couldn't. Only Daisy could.

Strangers rushing past, just tryna get home
You were the only safe haven that I've known
Hits me at full speed, feel like I can't breathe
And nobody knows this pain inside me
My world is crumbling, I should never have let you go

You walked through the streets of the city, trying to clear your mind. But they only made you feel more lonely. A mother with her child, a woman with her lover, a grandpa with his granddaughter. You used to smile and joke with Daisy like that. 

It hits you all at once and tears started streaming down your cheeks. You rushed into an alley, away from the busy main street and leaned against the wall. You tried to calm yourself down, but your sobs didn't quiet. 

Nobody understood what you were feeling. To lose someone without it ever ending. You had no idea if you could let her go, if she would come back, or if you could keep hoping she would come back. You regretted letting her go and not going with her.

I think I'm lost without you
I think I'm lost, lost, lost

I think I'm lost without you, you
I just feel crushed without you
And I've been strong for so long
But I never thought how much I love you

Standing on the platform, watching you go
You said, "I wanna see the world" and I said, "Go"

As you closed your eyes to try and block out your surroundings, you saw the mental image that had been popping up every time you tried to go to sleep. 

A retreating Daisy Johnson, walking up the ramp of the small jet, leaving behind the only family she had ever known. 

You snapped your eyes open again, taking deep breaths and about to make your way back to the base when suddenly your phone started ringing. 

You expected it to be Coulson who wanted you back, but an unknown number stood in your display. Your heart skipped a beat and you took another deep breath before pressing accept. 

''Hello?'' you asked, not wanting to reveal your name if it was just a random weirdo. This was your work phone after all.

But when the voice you were praying to hear, actually sounded through the phone, you abandoned your plan to walk out the alley. Instead, you started crying again when Daisy's angelic voice filled your ears.

''Hey Y/N.''

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