Are you high? (6x03)

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Summary request: your reaction to Daisy being high in episode 6x03. This was so much fun to write. I am going through the requests randomly now, which doesn't make any sense but it works better when I can choose what I feel like writing :)

You didn't eat those puffies, not trusting weird alien food, but for some reason, Daisy, Jemma and Davis did. Which is what you found out after they had left the Zephyr to look for Fitz on Kitson. How you found out? When Davis came back after a while, he started acting weird, very, very weird.

''Wow, do you see that?'' He stumbled into the control center, where you and Piper were waiting for the others to come back. Davis looked around the plane with wide eyes and a dumb smile on his face.

You furrowed your brows, looking at Piper who had the exact same look on her face. Was he high? It sure looked like it.

Davis gasped loudly, stalking over to you. Carefully, he stroked your hair, which you did not like at all. ''Your hair is so soft. It is like... like Unicorn hair.''

Piper pulled him off you before you could push him away, gently guiding him to a stool. ''Okay, sit down.'' Bowing very close to his face, she narrowed her eyes at him. ''What is wrong with you?''

Davis was acting like he had seen the fourth dimension and more. Whatever he was on, it must be good because he looked like a kid in a candy store. Yeah he was not with you at all.

You looked at Piper, glad you weren't alone to deal with this mess. ''Is it the atmosphere maybe?''

She shook her head. ''That wouldn't make sense. We feel fine.''

You started pacing around, threading your fingers in your hair. What could possibly cause this? ''Yeah but we haven't been outside. Maybe it is only temporary.'' That didn't make you feel any better, because Daisy and Jemma were still out there. And if they were like him too, they were dangerously defenseless.

''I ate the yummies!'' Davis suddenly exclaimed happily, solving the problem for you. 

Piper sighed and rolled her eyes. ''Who else had them?'' she questioned.

You groaned loudly, already on your way to try and contact them. ''Daisy and Simmons.'' They didn't react to your calls, so they must be so high they didn't notice it. ''Leave it to Daisy to get high in space.''

Piper called over to you, trying to keep Davis from touching her cheeks. ''Do you want to check it out?''

You nodded, grabbing a jacket and swinging it over your shoulders. ''I'll be back, you stay here.'' You were worried they had gotten in some sort of trouble. And while on drugs, Daisy probably couldn't use her powers correctly.

''Good luck!'' Piper called after you.

Over your shoulder, you answered her. ''Thanks, I'm gonna need it.''

The planet of Kitson was... strange. It was a planet made for indulging in all kinds of pleasures. Gambling, drinking, and it was famous for their brothels. Yeah you had to find your friends fast.

In the past year, you had seen a lot of weird stuff, so none of it surprised or startled you anymore. Blue aliens, aliens with more than four limbs, huge teeth or scales, four eyes, horns. Space was weirder than anyone could imagine. 

The bald lady at the entrance let you into the club. The underground room was a mixture between a casino and a bar. It looked nice with all the neon lights and it wasn't too big. This was actually one of the nicest ones you had visited. 

It wasn't hard to find your girlfriend, just look for the most normal looking person. That and all eyes in the club were on her, the guests keeping a distance while she stood with her arm raised, threatening to quake anyone who came too close. 

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