Chapter 5

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~Dan's POV~

Even though I was asked to leave I had to stay, I needed to be there for Phil. He may not want me but I need him I mean after all in a way it's my fault what kind if boyfriend would I be if I wasn't at least in the same building and if he wanted to go home with me eventually then I need to be here for when that does happen. If it happens at least. I just can't leave him.

I stayed in the waiting room, curled up in one of the chairs with my knees up to my chest until I felt a little tap on my shoulder, glancing up it was Phil's mum who was struggling to keep herself put together. I immediately stood up and wrapped my arms around her, holding Phil's mum as she began to cry. I wasn't gonna just leave her to cry. She needed the support I didn't exactly have when I found out the news.

I must've held her for half an hour before she finally calmed herself down which I didn't mind at all. I leaned down and kissed his mums cheek with a small, weak grin. She then looked up at me and frowned. "He.. He doesn't remember you does he?" She asked with a soft voice in which I shook my head and glanced down at my feet.

"It's okay though.. If it's meant to be he'll fall for me again, right?" I chewed at my lower lip and sighed, wiping a few stray tears away. Then his mum proceeded to tell me I should go back to our flat and take care of my needs and that she can take care of Phil which I reluctantly agreed to do. I really didn't wanna leave Phil but I wasn't gonna be rude to his own mum. I grabbed the few bags I had at the hospital and walked out, beginning my journey to the flat which wasn't too far from the hospital luckily.


I sat in the tub with the water of my shower as hot as it would go, letting it hit my back. I didn't have the energy or motivation to do anything. It felt so different being without Phil. I mean I know he's not dead or anything but it's practically like I'm dead to him since he doesn't remember me. I hadn't even noticed that the water began to get cold as I sat in the shower. I then turned off the water and got out, getting dressed in some sweatpants and one of Phil's jumpers. I got myself a bowl of cereal then sat down on the couch where I tried to scroll through tumblr but since a followed quite a bit of Phan blogs it was kinda hard, seeing all the photos and gifs and edits. It only made me miss him more. After my bowl of cereal I walked into Phil's room and laid down in his bed, curling up under his blankets and slowly, very slowly fell asleep.


It took almost a full week before Phil got to come home. Throughout that week I had taken time to visit him in the hospital and get him to at least trust me and know quite a bit about me. He didn't know how we were dating however yet it'd be okay. I walked in the room and he still had such the most adorable and harmless look in his eyes. That's what I loved about him, no matter what he could never look 'evil' or hurt anyone or anything on purpose but at the same time he was so protective over anyone he loved or cared about.

I helped Phil around the hospital room, getting him dressed and helping him get used to the crutches since he refused to use the wheelchair the doctor had asked for him to use, wanting to be more independent. I gathered all of his stuff, putting it in the backpack I had brought. Then off we went to our flat where things would be completely different. There wouldn't be anymore cuddling on the couch or soft and sweet kisses for no reason. Nothing. Absolutely none of that because he would never fall for me again. I can see why, I'm a mess. Maybe this was a good thing, it'd save him from falling in love with me and ending up getting hurt. Except, this was quite the opposite. I fell for him and now I'm the one who's hurt and the pain will never go away because he doesn't want me, hell he doesn't even know I exist in that sort of way.

Once we arrived to our flat I helped Phil up the millions of stairs it seems since he was in crutches I had to take it his pace. After we made it upstairs I left him free to roam, following behind him just incase he had any questions about the place or just in general. Phil looked amazed by how big and decorated the place was and it was adorable to see on his face. I let him lead the way to his room after I told him where it was at, that way he'd get the hang of the layout since he wanted to be more independent.

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