A Visit To Neverland

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I was visiting Neverland, along with many other children and their parents.

Michael Jackson was happy to see them and he hugged the sweet children as they laughed and began to play together.

Soon, they all followed Michael to a small bridge and I cautiously started to walk walked across it, my fear of heights were beginning to come back to me.

Michael turned his head and noticed that I was still standing in the middle of the bridge.

"What's wrong, are you okay back there"?

He asked me.

All of the children and their parents could tell how frightened I was.

"I think she's afraid of heights Michael".

One of the mothers concluded.

"I think you're right".

Michael walked back towards and he smiled and offered his hand for me to grab onto.

"Come on, I'll help you".

He watched as I took one step forward.

My vision became dizzy and before Michael could do anything else, I began to loose my balance, making the bridge wobble a little bit.

Michael quickly caught me before I could fall and get hurt.

"Oh no, she passed out. Probably because of her fear of heights".

The children curiously followed Michael to the infirmary of Neverland, where the staff tried to get me to wake up.

"Her breathing is normal, and her heart is beating fast. She must be so scared, the poor thing".

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