Chapter 2

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*Isabella's POV*

           I got into the passenger seat of Jess's 2015 Sonata and sighed leaning into the comfortable leather seats. Jess just laughed at my reaction running her fingers through her long curly blonde hair and looked at me with her piercing green eyes. She was wearing a denim miniskirt with a tight green tank and matching high heels.

"Can you wear less clothes?" I asked sarcastically laughing as she flipped me off and started the car.

"Just because you don't want to get any, doesn't mean I don't want to and who knows there might be some new hot transfer students this year," she said moving her brows suggestively.

"Yeah yeah whatever so how was your summer?" I asked her trying to distract her from asking me about Logan.

"It was amazing, you know Jalen Booker he totally came onto me this summer..." I looked out the window pretending to be listening.

           Once we got to the school I couldn't help but notice him and his friends sticking out of the average looking crowd of guys easily. Logan stood in the center of his group next to my brother, Jalen Booker, Raymond Phelps, and Ezekiel Larzo. I watched as Diana walked over to him wearing her usual attire that involved as little clothing as possible. She had a nice tan with her bleach blond hair and huge boobs popping out of her skin tight belly shirt matched with some shorts that I swore could have been underwear, but it wasn't because her hot pink thong was showing on her hips.  She walked towards Logan and I looked away as she leaned in to kiss him.

"Is it me or do they get hotter and hotter every year?" Jess said and I shrugged walking towards the entrance of Welcher High.

           Jess followed me to my locker and sent me a desperate look as she looked through  the sky high windows on the wall opposite my locker at Logan and his crew. I laughed knowing she wanted to know why Logan was at my house this morning. She frowned at my clearly amused expression.

"Just ask me Jess," I said trying not to laugh at the expression on her face.

"What the hell was Logan Reefs doing in your room this morning?" she yelled loudly and I watched as girls stared at me wide eyed already whispering to others.

"Want to yell that louder, I don't think they heard you all the way in freaking Europe?" I yelled at her and she blushed.

"Sorry," she apologized and I rolled my eyes smiling at her as we walked towards our homeroom with Mrs. Linch our child development teacher.

"It was nothing serious, I guess he must have stayed the night with Saxon," I said and she turned even redder at hearing my brother's name.

"Your brother is so hot, you are so lucky," she said and I gave her a disgusted look.

"I think I'm going to puke thank you Jess," I said and she just shoved me playfully into the other set of lockers close to our classroom.

"You know your brother is sexy," she said wiggling her eyebrows at me and I laughed.

"You know Jalen is sexy too," I said and I heard a growl from behind me and froze knowing exactly who that growl belonged to.

"You're pretty sexy yourself sweetness," I heard Jalen's voice and turned to see both Logan and my brother glaring except Logan looked the most upset as he fought for control over his wolf.

"No I-I--I," I stuttered and Jessica just walked in front of me saving me from the embarrassment.

"What she's trying to say is that she thinks I'd be more your type than she would," she said flirtatiously to him and the boys whistled and smirked knowingly at Jalen.

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