Chapter 1

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*Isabella's POV*

      I woke up to my iPhone vibrating on my mahogany dresser. I sighed squinting my eyes trying to adjust to the sunlight shining through my windows. I quickly grabbed my phone and answered the call without checking the caller ID already knowing who it'd be. I sighed into the phone trying to slowly wake myself up.

"Hey Jess," I said still half asleep my eyes barely open.

"It's our last year of high school!" she screamed and I winced running my hands through my knotted, naturally straight, raven black hair.

"Why are you screaming?" I rolled my eyes, wide awake now, climbing out of bed stretching and turning my alarm off.

"Because today is an exciting day, it's the year all the female wolves finally find their mates and its the year you are guaranteed to lose your virginity," she said with a suggestive hint to her voice.

       My heart hammered in my chest thinking about finally meeting my mate. I've been waiting for so long for that one guy my prince charming to come sweep me of my feet. I smiled to myself, I was both excited and nervous but I couldn't wait. On a female wolf's 18th birthday she finally finds her mate. Unfortunately for me I have to wait 11 months until August 8th watching everyone else getting paired up. That was one thing I was not looking forward to at all. I sighed.

"What is your obsession with me and my virginity?" I asked laughing.

"Because you should have lost it already, seriously who actually waits for their mates anymore its a new generation," she reasoned and I rolled my eyes.

"You mean a hoe generation," I mumbled under my breath and she laughed.

"It's only natural and don't you want to be an expert for when your mate does come along because I can almost guarantee that your mate won't be a virgin," she tried to convince me through the phone.

"Because he will be my mate I highly doubt I'd have to be an expert in bed for him to love me and he'd most likely love me more knowing that I waited for him unlike other girls," I reasoned and she scoffed into the phone.

"Well, if you change your mind I recommend the Alpha's son, Logan Reefs, he is amazing in bed---"

"Don't forget that he probably has millions of STIs because I'm pretty sure he's slept with every girl in the pack and more,"

"Oh really, I wasn't aware of  that," I froze at hearing his deep voice behind me.

       He stood leaning on my door frame with that cocky smirk on his face. His dark brown hair seemed to look perfect as always without effort. His straight nose, plump pink lips and his perfect tanned skin seemed to attract females like flies to a blue light. It was his eyes that intrigued me the most, he had chocolate brown eyes that changed to gold every time the sun hit them. He was 6'4 and pure sexiness. Why wouldn't every girl want him? He was a playboy who took advantage of other girls just to get what he wanted. I just continued to check him out and then came to my senses rolling my eyes at him pointing to the door and he raised one eyebrow with that stupid smirk. I could hear Jess's high pitched squealing at hearing Logan's voice but I just ignored her.

"I'll call you later Jess," I said hanging up on her before she could object.

"What the hell are you doing in my house Logan?!" I yelled glaring at him as I quickly pulled on some pajama pants.

"Just sitting my STI infested ass on your bed," he teased winking at me, I felt my face getting red and I glared at him irritated.

"Saxon!" I yelled knowing he was the reason this abomination was in my house.

       My brother ran into my room growling and on high alert. His fierce blue eyes were darkening as he looked around my room for a threat. His body shook prepared to shift at any minute, his dark black hair was all over the place because he had just gotten out of bed and his light pink lips pulled away from his canines. Saxon could be pure frightening when he wanted to be, he was 6'4 and next in line to be Beta so he was strong too. Don't let him fool you Saxon could be the sweetest person in the world.

"What's wrong?" Saxon asked unaware of the verman lying on my bed, his eyes still searching for  a threat.

"Can you keep your bitch out of my room please?" I said pointing to Logan, Logan growled loudly and was in front of me within seconds, his body shaking as his brown eyes turned into pure gold.

            My heart pounded in my chest, I didn't know if it was out of fear or other reasons. The way his golden eyes seemed to look through me sent shivers down my spine. We just looked into each others eyes and his began to soften as he took deep breaths turning into that chocolaty brown color. I exhaled loudly unaware that I was holding my breath.

"You need to learn how to respect your alpha," he growled and I refused to look at him and looked at my smirking brother.

"Can you please escort him out Sax," I said ignoring Logan's threatening growl.

"Logan, mom's finished with breakfast anyway, calm down man, come on," he said trying not to laugh, I watched as Logan walked away without looking back and my brother followed after him.

*Logan's POV*

           She was so infuriating. I couldn't understand why she made me feel so confused about my feelings for her. There are days I just want to rip her clothes off and love her and other days I still want to rip her clothes off and show her why I'm the future Alpha. I felt Saxon's hand on my shoulder as he led me downstairs to his mom cooking in the kitchen.

"I could hear you and Isabella fighting all the way upstairs," Rebekah smiled at me and her son.

"I know those two fight like cats and dogs," Saxon joked as I growled sitting at the glass table in silence.

"She must've really gotten under your skin today," Saxon said trying his hardest not to laugh as he brought a plate of six pancakes, bacon, and eggs and sat down.

           I continued to eat in silence and ignored Saxon and Rebekah's quite laughter. One thing I was sure about was that Isabella needed to be taught a lesson, she needed to learn who was boss and she needed to respect me. I smirked thinking about how I would teach Isabella a lesson.

"Uh-oh I know that smirk, you're thinking of a revenge plan on my sister..." Saxon smirked at me and I laughed.

"No not me, why would I ever do something like that," I said running my fingers through my hair feeling a million times better.

"Whatever, I don't even want to know," Saxon said and I nodded.

"Isabella, your food is getting cold!" Rebekah yelled up the stairs.

           My jaw dropped as Isabella walked into the kitchen in a pair of black shorts that showed off her gorgeous long legs and a skin tight white tank underneath an opened denim button up shirt. I watched as she grabbed her black flats by the door and slipped them on. She pulled her hair into a pony tail and ran over to Saxon grabbing a piece of his bacon and drinking his orange juice despite his protests. Her mom just laughed at the scene.

"Jess is outside, I'll see you later mom, thanks for breakfast," she kissed her mom on the cheek and ran out the door.

           I was still trying to calm my breathing down and trying to concentrate on something else to make my erection go down. Isabella didn't understand the effect she had on me. I've always wanted her since the first day we met, I knew I had to have her and I would have her. She was my new target for this year and I always get what I want.

"You ready Saxon?" I asked my best friend and he nodded walking over to his mom.

"Just call me if you need anything mom, dad is going to be with Alpha Craig all day doing pack business," Saxon said kissing his mom on the cheek and rubbing her pregnant stomach.

"Me and the baby will be fine Saxon, just have a good day at school, you too Logan," she smiled at me and I smiled back making my way out the door behind Saxon.

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