Chapter 6

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*Isabella's POV*

I haven't been sleeping well since the incident with Logan. I looked over at my clock and sighed it was 1:30 in the morning and I didn't fall asleep once. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts stopping at Jess' debating if I should call her or just let her sleep. I let out a frustrated groan as I threw my phone onto my nightstand and sat up in bed turning on the lamp. I didn't know what to do. I turned my TV on and jumped at the soft knock on my door. I smiled as I could smell his familiar scent.

"Can't sleep?" my brother came in with a glass of water looking tired.

"Yeah, I don't know why I just can't sleep," he put the glass on my nightstand and signaled for me to move over as he lay in bed next to me.

"Well try, you're interrupting my sleep," he said his words muffled by my pillow and I laughed.

"Then why don't you just go to sleep," I said and he rolled his giant blue eyes at me.

"Because we have twin telepathy and I know something's bothering you, just tell me what's wrong you know you can trust me," he said and I felt bad for not being able to tell him that his best friend was my issue.

"I'm just---I'm---I---" I stuttered feeling a queasiness in my stomach.

I immediately flew out of bed running to the bathroom spilling my guts into the toilet. My brother ran after me holding my hair and was comfortingly rubbing my back.

"Are you okay?" he asked worried and I nodded.

I stood up and brushed my teeth. Saxon was wide awake now and staring at me with a concerned look on his face.

"Don't worry Sax, Jess and I should've never ate all that junk food," I assured him and he rolled his eyes.

"That's exactly it, how come whenever there is something wrong with you you can never be honest with me about it, I feel like you trust your best friend more than trust me!" he growled and I shushed him.

"You're going to wake up mom and dad, keep your voice down, it's nothing Sax I promise," I said and he rolled eyes.

"It's always nothing, but whatever Isabella," he stormed out my room slamming my door.

I felt bad for not being able to tell him that his best friend was the one that had me all screwed up in the head to the point where I'm making myself sick. Saxon would kill Logan and I made a promise. I sighed washing my face with cold water. I just don't want my brother to have another reason to be disappointed with me. Since we were young I always took away the attention from him, I always ruined his good memories by my screwed up feelings. I wouldn't get Logan in trouble, the championship for football was right around the corner. I wasn't going take this moment from Saxon. I lay in my bed attempting to get some sleep eventually the darkness takes over me.

*Logan's POV*

I wake up to the screeching sound of my alarm on my phone. I sighed getting up and getting dressed. My phone started to ring as I was brushing my teeth and I answered it expecting it to be Diana.

"Good morning sexy," I smirked spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing my mouth.

"I mean damn Logan I knew I was sexy but...." I growled hearing Saxon's voice.

"Shut up I thought you were someone else, whats up Sax?" I asked and he laughed.

"Isabella," he said and my heart started pounding, she told him I knew she would it was only a matter of time.

"Listen man I---"

"I don't know what's wrong with her, but she's acting strange and I'm worried about her," he said and I looked confused and my heart rate slowed in relief that she didn't say anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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