Chapter 16

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—Draco POV—

I heard a furious banging at my front door, causing me to whip my head in that direction, before turning to Harry, clear confusion across my face.

"Oye! Abre la puerta coño!" [Hey! Open the damn door!] I recognized Maria's voice being muffled by the door. Harry looked towards me.

"I need to go transfigure my arms, I'll be in the room. Go ahead and open the door." He told me, before racing to my room where his wand is. I heard more knocking, and quickly made my way to the door, wondering what on earth Maria could be so urgent for.

Opening the door, I was met with what could possibly be the most sarcastic smile I'd ever seen.

"Hello?" I asked her, curious as to what could be going on.

"Hello, Draco." She said, lowering her glasses and tilting her head back slightly, looking at me through the lenses of her thin frames with a suspicious and judgmental look. I raised a single eyebrow at her, giving her a confused face.

"Your last name is Malfoy... right?" She asked, bringing her glasses to once again rest on her nose normally, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorframe.

"Yes? Maria, you already know this." I said, only growing more puzzled from the encounter. "What's all this about?" I inquired.

"Mira, look. A few weeks ago, en casa de mi hermano [at my brothers house], my nephew asked me to see a new movie that was going to come out today. Y claro que I said yes. [of course I said yes.] You know how it is, I love my nephew. Of course I will sit down and watch fairy tales with him." She began, I nodded my head as to tell her to continue, now also crossing my arms.

"Well, this particularly interesting movie had a main character with the same name as your friend. And it had a character with your name as well. Y ustedes parecen igualito. You look exactly the same. You and the actor. Mira. [look]" my breath hitched, wondering what she could mean by this. It wasn't until she showed me the poster for the movie she saw, that my face paled, and I suddenly felt uneasy in the stomach.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

"Maria? What is this?" I asked almost accusingly.

"You are a magic wizard! And what's worse, and evil one-"

"Petrificus Totalus." In an instant, Maria fell to the floor with a thud, stiff as a board. I turned around to see Harry a small distance away from me, with his wand out at Maria, looking absolutely panicked.

"We need to call Hermione, Now." I told him. I looked around. The front door was wide open, and my Muggle neighbor was in a full-body bind across the threshold of my front door. I blinked a few times, swallowing in an attempt to soothe my now dry throat.

"Help me get her inside." I told Harry, who put his wand in his pocket, moving to help me lift her from the door to my couch. I closed the front door, still feeling shocked.

"Call her for me." I mumbled. "Tell her it's urgent." I tried to ignore my oncoming nausea, going to Scorpius's room. I knocked, proceeding to open the door.

"Scorpius, I need you to do me a favor: it's important, it is absolutely necessary, that you stay in this room, and do not come out until I come back to get you. Do you understand?" I gave him a stern and serious look, hiding the chill that ran through me.

"Why?" I heard the fireplace roar to life in the distance.

"Because I'm telling you to. Do not leave this room. Understood?" He nodded. "Thank you." I closed his door, going out to the living room.

"What on earth? How did this happen?" Hermione told me sternly, gesturing towards my neighbor.

"I-I don't know!" I said defensively. "She walked up to my house banging on the door, and when I answered it, she told me there was this movie, and it's about us! Us as Wizards! The Wizarding World. And she showed me a Muggle photo of people that look like you, Harry, and Ron." I told her, stumbling through my words. She looked at me in utter disbelief.

"I'm going to reverse this and talk to her." She told me, looking back between me and Harry.

I nodded stiffly, settling to stand in a spot just in front of Harry.

"Finite." Hermione cast. Maria blinked a few times, sitting up and looking around. The three of us were stood, watching her as she regained her bearings. She immediately got up, pointing an accusing finger, and backing away from us.

"What did you do to me? What was that?! You! You were in the movie too! You are all magic- what was that, did you kill me?" She looked around frantically. You're Harry Potter, the main character. The actor was exactly like you but with blue eyes and less messy hair-" She began rambling, shakily trying to get to my front door without letting us leave her sight. She began mumbling and making the sign of the Christian cross with her hand.

"Listen. I need you to please, calmly explain what you are talking about." Eased Hermione, going towards her and gently grabbing her hands. I'd never seen Maria jumpy like this. She gave us all a suspicious glance.

"I saw a movie with my nephew about you. All of you."

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes. And you," -she pointed at me- "You are... you, you have that thing on your arm. The black snake." My heart skipped a beat, and I subconsciously drew my hand behind my back, shuffling closer to Harry without quite realizing it.

"This is not good." Said Hermione, turning to look at us. "The Wizarding World has been compromised, the Statue of Secrecy is going to break, I-" she looked back at Maria.

"These movies, what are they called?"

"My nephew said there's six movies. This is the newest one that I've seen. But I don't watch them, my nephew does. He calls them the Harry Potter movies." I looked at Harry, who almost seemed like he wasn't even with us anymore, the uneasiness in my stomach only grew.

Hermione drew her wand "We need to Obliviate her-" I held out my arm.

"Are you mental? Let's just go Obliviate everyone who saw the movie, why don't we?"

"Well what do you suggest? She can't know about this! How did this even happen? I... I need to do more reading. I need to read about this. I need to visit my parents, or something. Ask around." I looked at Maria, with a dangerous, yet pleading look.

"You cannot tell anybody. Do you understand?"

"Ay Draco, I don't even understand what's going on! And what is all of this magic stuff? What is it that she said she wanted to do to me?" She asked, pointing at Hermione. "And what are you hiding from me? Are you a criminal? The movie said you tried to kill people! Should I call the Police-"

"Maria! Please..."


"Obliviate." I heard the whisper of his word trickle past my ear, and I looked at Harry, who then dropped his wand on the ground, backing away. I turned to Hermione, then Maria, then I heard my bedroom door slam. I was giving all of my effort to not panic.


"I will take her home. Draco, do you realize what this means? You both need to come back to Wizarding England."

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