The Game Part:2

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Sorry this took so long to post, i've been really busy with school and stuff. But I will try my best to at least post twice a week. Thanks for reading my story, already 90 views, not a lot but still thank you all. Trust me, wait until the end of the chapter, it starts off a little bit slow, but gets exciting near the end. Heheheh happy readings!!

Ara's POV

      After what felt like the worst day ever, the quidditch game was almost here. Nearing closer and closer by the minutes. The game starts in about half an hour giving me lots of time to read the book I've been meaning to read for a while now. By now the storm outside has passed, only a slight drizzle of rain coming down, making it the perfect conditions for quidditch.

     I look over at the old, antique clock that's between Lily and Pansy's bed, and watch the hands slowly click from one number to another, as the minutes pass by, waiting for the arrival of Lily and Pansy. They know that the quidditch game starts soon, and I would hope they wouldn't want to leave me with the boys any longer. They both know that I can be a little shy when I get flustered, which has happened about 10 times already today. I just hope they get back soon, I would hate to have to go to the quidditch game all alone. If I did, I would probably have to sit with Lacey. Laceys pretty nice, but all she talks about is all of the people she's slept with. Blaise, Draco, I even think she's mentioned the name Crabbe. I don't really know. It's just like that's all she can talk about like she's trying to brag.

     Just as I was thinking about them, Lily and Pansy both stumbled into the room, looking rough and cold. I look over at them, and they the same to me. "Oh, hey," Said Pansy stuffing her items she bought into her drawers.

     "Hey," I said putting my book down on my nightstand, ready to find out what has kept them so long. "You guys look like you had fun," I say while looking at their smiling faces,

     "Ya, we had some fun," Lily says looking down at her hands and fiddling with her bracelet that I got her last year for her birthday. It kind of represents our friendship in a way. I gave that to her that day after she came out to me as bisexual. Her parents aren't very accepting in that way, so telling me was a big deal. I was the first person she came out to, and the first person to accept her for who she is. Of course, now many people know she's bi, and they're all accepting. The only people who don't, are her parents.

     "I see," I say making eye contact with Lily as she looks up, showing me that she wasn't comfortable talking about it in front of Pansy.

     Speaking about Pansy, I look over and see Pansy looking over all of her dressers with a confused face. She starts opening all of her drawers and looks up and opens her mouth. "Did someone go through my stuff?" Pansy questioned looking up at me with an eyebrow raised, standing by her now opened dressers.

     It takes me a moment to think about what she means. "Oh ya," I say totally forgetting that Blaise was searching through her stuff just this very morning. "Blaise needed to use one of your vials, but he couldn't find them so I just gave him one of mine," I say nodding my head towards my side table where my vials are lying on it.

   "That Blaise doesn't understand personal space and privacy," She said now headed in the direction of the door, looking quite angry. "I'll meet you guys at the quidditch game, I just need to talk to Blaise about him going through my things, AGAIN," Pansy said barely getting the last word out before practically running out of the room. If there's one thing I know, I know Pansy definitely likes her personal privacy and is not too keen on sharing. I learned that the hard way when I used her brush once. It was not nice. "BLAISE" We heard Pansy yell down the hall.

     I snapped back to reality and shimmied my way over to Lily, doing an excited dance/walk for her. "Sooooo." I say now sitting down beside her on her bed, feeling the coldness radiating off of her. "You and Pansy...last night... in a closet," I say with a huge grin on my face. I see her face create a grin too.

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