Asking Dates

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       Going back to the castle was strange after what had just happened - I was left with these insane thoughts of Draco Malfoy that I couldn't erase from my mind.  The boy who has been nothing but a horrible person to me, who torments me still to this day. To him I'm a whore, annoying, a bitch, the list could go on forever. Although he's still an ass, lately he's been different, whatever he is doing is different. He has never, and I mean never, acted or shown, well - affection, or some type of 'jealousy' towards me. Draco has a strange, terrible effect on me, where whenever he talks, I get butterflies in my stomach. Draco is playing a game with me. How am I supposed to play, if I don't know the rules?


     It's been about a week now, and we are nearing winter. A few more days of November and then It's practically December, my favorite month of the year. Hogwarts is beyond beautiful in the winter, the decorations and events are unbelievable. I always find it funny when a mistletoe appears over two people who like each other. It happened a few times to Pansy and Lily, who are now dating. Turns out that Pansy also has had a tiny thing for Lily, even though she would still sleep with people, and even date. They're now happy, and that's all that matters. However, my most favorite part of Christmas is the Christmas ball. Years 4 and up to get all dressed up in fancy dresses or suits and party in the great hall. Last year was my first year attending it, and it was one of my favorite moments I had that year. I went with Lily, we both didn't get asked to go with anyone, so we just went with each other.

     There's plenty more to enjoy about winter at Hogwarts. For instance, going to the Three Broomsticks and getting a warm butterbeer, or playing drunk winter games, like drink or jump. It's a game we made up late last year, where you either take a shot of fire whiskey and have to answer a question someone asks you or jump into the great lake while it's freezing. Probably one of our dumber games, but also the most thrilling if I do say so myself.

     The ball is in about a week away, and I've had a few boys ask me to go with them. I kindly denied most of them other than Ridder Maroon, he's a crazy obsession with me ever since we went to Hogsmeade together. He's a needy Hufflepuff, who doesn't give up. I almost feel bad, but at this point, it's just creepy, so I had to put him in his place. 

     It was now dinner, we were all sitting, eating, and laughing with each other. Lily and Pansy sat beside me, Lily being in the middle and Pansy and I on the other side of her. The boys on the other side of the table. Lily and pansy were lost in conversation, flirting, and or making out. I wasn't focused on them. I just couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Draco a week ago. The way he hovered over me, tall and protective. His strong expensive cologne hitting my nose, as he towered over me, inches away from my face. His strong, muscly hands holding on to my-. I was quickly pulled out of thought by someone saying my name.

    "Um hi Ara," A boy nervously said, making me turn to look at who said my name. Hovering above me was Neville Longbottom. Neville was such a sweetheart, we used to be close way back in the first year, but quickly faded when I chose my friend group. We still keep in touch though, sometimes studying in the library for transfiguration. One of the harder classes and we have to study extremely hard. 

     "Hey," I say cheerfully. There was just an awkward silence as he stood there, fiddling with his plant in his hand, looking down at his feet. "Is there something you wanted to say?" I questioned, still smiling. Neville looked as if he were about to throw up. Quivering and slightly sweating, I could tell he was nervous.

     "Um, well, yes," He sputtered having a hard time getting the words out. "I just wanted to ask you if I could talk to you," He said looking up at me, and the people surrounding me. 

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