Day Fourteen

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I wake up in the middle of the night, by someone moving in the bed. That someone, is Zayn. I'm laying very close to him, my head was laying against his chest, but now against his back.

'No, I don't want to wake mum.' A voice whispers. Sounds like Safaa.

'You can't come here.' Zayn's raspy voice whispers, gesturing to me.

'Why not?' She asks.

'There isn't enough space.' He explains. Oh, so Safaa can't sleep and wants to lay with Zayn, but she can't because of me.

'Safaa, come.' I smile, patting the space beside me. Zayn turns around, looking surprised.

'There's enough space, don't be silly.' I say, probably reading his mind, because he nods, and Safaa lays down between Zayn and I. She faces me and smiles. Then she curls up against me. Zayn places his arm around Safaa and me protectively and that's how I fall asleep again. Safe.


'Wake up wake up wake up!' Safaa squeals, waking both me and Zayn up. I groan and open my eyes. I'm pressed against him and my head is nuzzled into his chest. His arm is still around my waist and he strokes my hair briefly.

'Fuck off Safaa.' Zayn growls.

'You said a bad word, I'm going to tell mum.' She says, but then giggles.

'Stop doing this every time.' He says annoyed. Safaa just continues jumping on the bed, until she slips and falls on me. Well, that hurt a little.

'Oh, I'm so sorry Perrie!' She exclaims worried.

'It's okay.' I manage to say, 'I'm not hurt.'

'Are you sure?' Zayn asks. He has a concerned look on his face.

'No... But I guess I'm still alive.' I say. He chuckles and Safaa giggles.

'But Safaa, I told you this was going wrong one day.' Zayn says sternly. She looks down guilty. She too cute to resist.

'So you have to be punished.' He says, a playful look at his face, 'Perrie, you better get away from here.'

'No! Perrie, help me!' Safaa squeals, as Zayn starts tickling her. I watch them play in amusement. I didn't even know Zayn had a side like this. How could I know? He wouldn't tell me, and it wouldn't be the first thing on my mind to ask.

'Help!' Safaa squeals again. I grab a pillow and throw it at Zayn, but that doesn't make him stop.

'I can't help you. My brains don't work in the morning.' I explain myself to her.

'That's the baddest lie I've ever heard from you.' Zayn, who stopped tickling Safaa for a minute, says. He smirks, whispers something in Safaa's ear, and I get a bit nervous.

'No it's true.' I say anyway, but get disturbed halfway through my sentence, because he starting tickling me and I had to scream.

'No no no please stop!' I squeal. I hate tickling, and I'm very ticklish. Suddenly he doesn't only tickle me, he also carresses my boob. That sneaky bastard.

'I'm going to help Perrie!' I hear Safaa yell.

'What? No! You're supposed to help me, I'm your brother!' Zayn exclaims, acting offended.. She sticks her tongue out and jumps on his back.

'Watch out Zayn, I'm going to kick.' I warn. Just on that moment someone yells from downstairs.

'Kids! I've made toast with bacon!' Trisha says. Safaa squeals and immediately gets off Zayn and runs downstairs.

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