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We quickly made our way to homeroom as Lynn freaked out the entire time.

"I can't believe that I am late to a class! Even if it is just homeroom I can't believe that I'm going to be late. I have never been late! Oh, I hope this doesn't go on my record." Lynn rambled on. I shot her a look which signaled for her to shut up. She got the message and pulled open the door to the classroom. Mr. Stump, our homeroom teacher, was already in the process of taking attendance so he wasn't paying attention to us.. or so we thought.

"Why are you girls so late?" Mr. Stump asked us as he tapped his pen on his desk. Lynn's eyes got wide. I could already see the thoughts about her getting in trouble running through her head. 

"I'm so sorry that we are late but Jade tripped Emilie in the hall right before the final bell so we didn't have time to get here " she said. The entire class turned to the back of the room where the devil herself was sitting.

"What?" she asked faking innocence. "Its not my fault that she is the size of a dump truck. She got in my way." she said smirking. The whole class burst out laughing at her remark of me. I rolled my eyes.

"Real original sweetheart but I think you could try a little harder to come up with a better insult." I said with a fake pout on my face. You could feel the tension between us as the entire room sat in silence waiting for the next person to make a stab at the other. 

"You're such a fat bitch" she hissed through closed teeth. The silence continued on but all eyes were on me. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Well maybe if you weren't such a stuck up little c-" I started.

"That's it" Mr. Stump shouted cutting me off before I could finish my insult. I frowned. That was going to be a good one. 

"Detention for the both of you" he said giving both me and Jade a slip. I opened my mouth to say something  but decided that I would get myself into more trouble if I did. 

"Whatever" Jade said as she slipped it into her book bag. I shook my head and went to sit in the back of the class far away from anyone else. Lynn followed close behind me.

"I can't believe that he gave you detention when she was the one who started it" Lynn said with a look of disbelief. 

"It is what it is" I said as I shrugged my shoulders. The bell rang once again dismissing us from homeroom and we were on our way.

The periods seemed to go fast until before I knew it, it was lunch time. After putting my books back into my locker, I started my search for Lynn. The last class she had was chemistry and we always agreed to meet up by the music rooms because it was a middle ground for both of us. As I made my way towards the music suite I felt someone join me on my walk.

"I was just going to the music area but you found me." I said to Lynn or who I thought was Lynn. I glanced over and quickly realized that it wasn't Lynn who was walking next to me but instead was Jake. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. 

"May I help you?" I asked with a glare. 

"I heard you got detention because of Jade. I also heard that you may or may not have called her a not  nice word" he teased. I snorted but didn't answer him.

"Well, that was pretty cool. I wish I would have been there to see it. I bet the look on Jade's face was priceless. God she can be so annoying" he said in annoyance. 

"You can say that again." I said. We both chuckled.

"Well, I better get going. See ya later Emilie!" he said. My eyes got wide as he said my name but I quickly tried to cover my blush.

"Yeah, I'll see you in math." I said with a wave. Okay, so maybe Jake wasn't that big of an asshole. That didn't change the fact though that he was way out of my league. 

"There you are!" Lynn exclaimed. "What took you so damn long? I'm freaking starving."

"I had to stay back and talk to one of my teachers." I lied. 

"Okay. Let's go get something to eat." Lynn said. I nodded  my head because I could feel the hunger pains. 

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