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The summer of '95 was a hot one. There were no winds, just humidity and heat. The normally immaculate lawns of Privet Drive were all shriveled up, brown and unkempt. All the residents stayed in their homes with their air conditioners and fans on full blast in hopes of cooling off.

However, there was one person outside, despite the scorching heat. A teenage boy with wild black hair, vivid green eyes and round glasses. Harry Potter was laying under the window of his aunt's and uncle's living room in a flower bush. He strained his ears listening hard to the television.

"It's going to be just as hot as it has been all July. Chances of there being any rainfall are very slim!" The newscaster was saying. "In other news, there will be a sale at-"

Nothing. No mention of murders. No mention of families disappearing. No hint that Voldemort was up to anything since his return.

Harry stood up and stretched. Perhaps he would take a walk, as he'd been doing almost every evening since he'd returned to his prison. A loud bang, followed by a cat's screech, jerked Harry from his thoughts. He whipped his wand out and stood up fast, and his head slammed painfully into the window sill. Black dots clouded Harry's vision, and he blinked them away as he looked across the street.

A large beefy hand closed around Harry's throat, and Uncle Vernon hissed in his ear, "Put that thing away right this instant!"

"L-et- G-go!" Harry wheezed, as he shoved his wand into his jeans.

Vernon ripped his hand away from his nephew, as though something had burned him, and Harry ran through the yard and down the street, deciding it was more important to get away than to breathe. He kept going until he reached the park on Magnolia Crescent. He sat on a swing and caught his breath.

What had the noise been? Was it someone Disapparating? Had someone been spying on him? Was it a Death Eater? Perhaps someone coming to get him? Once the sun had sunk low in the sky, Harry left the park, keen on getting back before Dudley.

When he was back in his room, Harry crossed off July 31 on his calendar. "Happy birthday to me," he sang glumly.

He found himself thinking about Ron and Hermione; He missed them. They hadn't sent him a single letter this whole summer! A part of him hoped that perhaps it was a case similar to 2nd Year, when his letters had been intercepted by Dobby, but that was soon shattered when Hedwig screeched as an unfamiliar owl landed on his window sill.

Harry hurriedly opened the window and the owl stuck out it's leg. Harry took the letter from him, and offered the owl some water and a few owl treats, before he flew off. Then Harry read the letter.

How is your summer holiday going? Mine is going alright.
Happy birthday, by the way.
Write back.

Harry was slightly confused as to why Draco was writing to him. But knowing that someone had been thinking of him that summer- Even if it was Draco Malfoy- made Harry actually happy for the first time that summer. So he sat at his desk and wrote a letter back.

My summer has been dull. Nothing interesting is going on. I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts!
Thank you for the birthday wish.

Harry rolled up the letter, and gave it to Hedwig. She flew away, leaving Harry all alone.

The next day, after Harry had completed his chores and eaten a tiny lunch (a piece of toast and lettuce), he went to the park. After a run-in with Dudley and a two dementors, Harry received four letters. One was from the Ministry of Magic telling him he was expelled.

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