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Doyoung looked up at hyunsuk with innocent, puppy-like eyes. Hyunsuk felt an arrow stab his heart. He looked away.

Hyunsuk: d-don't look at me like that. It's dangerous.

Doyoung wanted to speak but couldn't. 

Doyoung: h-hyung...I'm thankful that's how you think of me...but I still don't know about how I love you yet...can you please give me some time?

Hyunsuk: wait...you're not rejecting me?! That's good enough! And yes. Take as much time as you want. I'm sorry for surprising you like this! But till then let's act like normal and not be awkward.

Doyoung: stupid hyung...of course I won't be normal around you anymore...

Doyoung: thank you...

Days passed by as hyunsuk pretended like he never confessed to doyoung. Doyoung felt this weird throbbing in his chest everytime he would see hyunsuk or think of him.

Right now he was with yedam in this studio.

Yedam: so what if we add these instrumentals...

As yedam spoke about the song they were working on, his voice just seemed to fade out. Doyoung couldn't focus. He kept on thinking about hyunsuk.

Doyoung: mhm.

He pretended to listen so he wouldn't hurt yedam.

Yedam: doyoung.

Doyoung didn't respond as he was lost in thoughts.

Yedam: doyoung!

He grabbed doyoung by the shoulder and shook him to bring him back to his senses.

Doyoung looked at him, startled.

Doyoung: yes! Sorry! What's wrong?!

Yedam looked at him suspiciously.

Yedam: is...everything okay, doyoung? You seem to be out of it.

Doyoung: yes, hyung! Don't worry!

Everytime doyoung would call yedam "hyung" yedam would feel his heart explode. He loved doyoung. Too much. He couldn't control it anymore.

He inched closer to the side of doyoung's face, bringing his lips closer to doyoung's cheek who was facing forward and was still lost in thoughts about hyunsuk. Yedam brought his face closer to doyoung's ear and whispered in it.

Yedam: you can always tell me if anything is bothering you.

He brought his lips closer to doyoung's cheek.

Doyoung: hyung, I love hyunsuk hyung.

Yedam halted and slowly backed away.

Yedam: h-huh? Of course you do! Everyone knows. I do too.

Doyoung: no hyung, I mean...romantically.

Yedam looked at him, shocked.

Doyoung: you asked if something was bothering me so I have decided to tell you.

He explained everything that happened with hyunsuk and him the other day and yedam listened, as jealousy took over him.

Yedam: ah...such a pity...that hyung had him first...

Yedam: then how do you feel about him?

Doyoung: I feel my heart pounding thinking about him or seeing him. Thinking back to it, this has been the case for a while even before he confessed to me. It increased after the confession.

Yedam put his hand on doyoung's.

Yedam: doyoung-ie, you love him. And he does too. What's stopping you from responding and accepting? Go, dobby, go confess your love. Don't keep him waiting.

Doyoung: really? I should?

Yedam: yes. I'm sure.

Doyoung: thank you, hyung!

Yedam gave him a reassuring smile, with sadness hiding behind it.

Doyoung got up to leave but turned around and walked towards yedam.

He wrapped his arm around yedam's neck suddenly and hugged him tightly, supporting the back of yedam's head with his hand.

Doyoung: thank you, hyung, for always being there for me. I owe you one. I love you.

Yedam patted him on the back.

Yedam: yes, I know, idiot. I love you too. Now don't waste time and go to him.

Doyoung let go of yedam and walked out, leaving him. Heartbroken.

Tears streaked yedam's cheek.

Yedam: be happy, my baby. I'm sorrry I never told you how I felt. But as long as you're happy, I'm fine. I love you.

He knew no one was there to listen to him. But it felt nice, letting it out. It hurt. It hurt really bad, to let go of doyoung. But he wanted doyoung to be happy and he knew this would be the best way.

Yedam: welp, there goes my hope of being with doyoung forever that was built over the years I knew him.

He wiped away his tears and got back to the song.

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