I don't remember

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Scott pov

The FBI agent pulls us into a nearby room. "It will appear as if all the kids from the maze have amnesia. They can not remember anything from their life before the maze." He says, I look to the sheriff to see him with tear-filled eyes but he doesn't allow them to fall. "Why does he think his name is Thomas?" I ask "WCKED messed with his head when he first was kidnapped they erased his memory and made him believe his name was Thomas they used him for the first 6 months forcing him to help them before erasing his memory again and sending him to the maze." He answers with a stern voice. "Can he get his memories back?" Mr stilinski asked, "We believe he can, he just needs a few reminders. We are also still looking for his friends files" And with that, we leave the room to see that stiles and his new 'pack' laughing.

Thomas pov

Me, Newt, Minho, and chuck are laughing about how before we left frypan got in a fight with fly and lost because he ended up hitting himself in the face. I feel somebody touch my shoulder unexpectedly and by reflex, I grab their wrist and flip them over making them land on their back. When I turn around I see the group of teens staring at my eyes wide open, I look down to see I just pinned Scott to the ground I jump off him apologizing as he gasps for air when I remove my foot from his chest. "Oh crap I'm sorry it was just reflex I didn't expect that," I say as I help him off the ground
"It's fine I shouldn't have sneaked up on you like that," he says dusting himself off "Your a lot stronger from last time I saw you like a lot stronger," he says with surprise in his eyes. "Oh, really well I guess all that fertilizer you made me lift paid off newt," I say turning behind me to see him smiling at me."Anyways shouldn't we get going" I say turning back to Scott and his 'pack'. "Uh yeah".

We walk outside and the sun is up and shining very bright, for some reason I expected it to be night. I run up to one of the teens "excuse me uhh... Lydia right?" The teen turns to look at me with her red hair swiping through the wind she has green eyes, fair skin, and is relatively short, if I look close enough her hair actually looks more strawberry blonde then red if I wasn't dating newt i may find her slightly attractive but no one is better then newt. "yea stiles I uh I mean Thomas" she said as I caught up to her walking right next to her "I was wondering if you know the time?" I asked confused about why it was so bright. "uh yeah itsss..." she pulls out her phone "4:25 why?" " oh I was just wondering why it was so bright thanks for the time" I jog back to my friends who were a little behind me and kiss newt as we begin to talk

5 minutes later

we finally reached a group of cars that we all just stood around there was a black Chevrolet Camaro, a police cruiser, and a blue jeep. "wow this is a pretty cool car" I say as I run my hand across the blue jeep "I'm assuming this one is yours" I say pointing to Scott. "um well actually it's yours" he says confusing me assuming he could tell how confused I was as he explained "this was your car before you went missing you would take it everywhere you even named it Roscoe. I've just been using it lately." "well, obviously I had a taste. wait how are we all gonna fit in there?" I ask newt, chuck, and Minho standing behind me Minho decided to bring the 'spear'. " we are all gonna split me, Liam, you, and your friends will go in the jeep and everyone else will ride with Derek and your dad" says Scott. everyone gets into their cars and we go to the food place Scott knows. me and Scott sitting in the front while newt, chuck, Minho, and Liam are squished in the back.

we finally get to the place and everybody hops out of the cars. as we walk in I can smell the delicious food It smelled familiar but I don't know from where also seems like there's a few arcade games in there. Me, newt, my 'dad', and a few of the other teens sit at a table while chuck, Minho, and the rest of the teens went to the arcade games.

"So um thomas what would like to talk about?" Scott asked as my 'dad' got up and went to order the food. "How about you tell me about you and your friends and I'll tell you about mines considering i don't have much to talk about besides them" i say not knowing what to talk about. "Ok" he said.

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