Back to beacon hills we go

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Thomas pov

Me, newt, minho, and chuck get in the back of a long limo with all the windows blocked. Newt sits next to me while minho and chuck sit right across from me. I can hear them all laughing and talking but it sounds distant because at the moment I'm deep in thought. I have thousands of questions bouncing off the walls of my head and it's giving me a headache.

What if they hate me? What if they think I abandoned them on purpose?do i have any friends? Will we all have to go back to school? What if  my dad doesn't want me? Where will newt, chuck, and minho stay?

So far the only thing I've been told is that there gonna drop us off at the FBI headquarters closest to a town called beacon hills which is where I live apparently. I also know that my father will be there waiting for me since he's the only family I have apparently.

I guess newt could tell I was nervous because he grabbed my hand pulled me in close and kissed me "it'll be ok babe" he said in his usual soft tone that I love. "I know" I say I look up to see chuck eating a chocolate bar i bought him from a vending machine before we left. Well I guess technically I didn't buy it, I more shook the vending machine till something fell.
Then we all started talking about what life is gonna be like and about school until we all fell asleep.

Noah stilinski/ sheriff pov

I got a call about a week ago saying they found my son, I couldn't believe it I jumped up out of my chair almost dropping the phone. Now there bringing him to me, I haven't seen him in a year and half. They explained everything to me about WCKED and how they have been kidnapping teens for the last 3 years. But the thing that really made my spine shiver is when they told me he had no memory and probably wasn't the same as when he went missing. Now I'm waiting at the FBI headquarters waiting to see him I didn't want to be by myself so I called the pack, they said they should be here in 10minutes.

10 minutes later...

The pack finally got here they were all talking, I couldn't focus on the conversation because I was to busy asking myself questions...

What if he doesn't like me? What if he think I don't like him? What do they mean he's not the same? Why would  WCKED  do this?

My thoughts were cut short when a tall man in black walked in saying "Their here" the whole pack whipped there head around almost getting whiplash.what does he mean their I only have one son.

Thomas pov

We were all woken up when this man opened the door telling us we were there. I swear I could hear my heartbeat, it got louder and faster every step I took.

Newt grabbed me hand tight "everythings gonna be fine tommy your just meeting your dad" I took a deep breath in and calmed down, I knew newt was right because he's always right. We were about 6 feet away from the door where I was assuming my dad would be. We all pulled in to a tight formation newt was on my left holding my hand, Chuck class on my right practically hugging me arm as tight as he could be, and minho was behind me with his hand on my shoulder. When the man opened the door we all walked in staying in formation. That's when I saw the older man standing near the chairs I assumed that was my dad but there was also a group of teens who all looked my age except one man who seemed slightly older with light stubble on his chin and a annoyed face.

"Hi" I say as I take a step forward everyone let go of me but chuck stayed extremely close. Before I could get another word out my 'dad' launched towards me in a giant hug he practically knocked the air out of me, by the time he let go i had gasped for air.

"Stiles" I hear a boy from the group of teens say as if he was questioning something. Me, newt, minho and chuck turned around to see if he was speaking to someone behind us.

"What the hell is a stiles"  I say confused. Then everybody just stares at us.

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