Chapter 18- The Guru/ The Crossroads of Destiny

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Katara and I were with the Council of Five, reviewing the invasion plan.

"General Fong's base will serve as the launching point for the attack. In exactly two months, the army and navy will invade the Fire Nation on The Day of Black Sun."

Momo suddenly darts across the board, knocking the pillars over.

"Or we could send in Momo to do some damage," Katara laughs.

I shut my eyes tightly in embarrassment.

"Cause the...sorry."

The General continues. "All we need is the Earth King's seal in order to execute the plan."

"I'll get these scrolls to him right away," Katara says grabbing my hand.

"Thank you, General How." I bow before exiting.

"So, Soul," Katara says. "We haven't had alone time in a while, just us girls, how are you doing?"

"Oh, ha ha, I'm great." I cough.

"Oh, are you still sick?"

"No, no, I'm fine." I nervously laugh.

"I know why you're acting so weird." Katara says.

"Acting weird? Acting weird?" I panic.

"I know." She smirks.

"You know what?!" I say grabbing Katara's shoulders and shaking her. "I'm sorry." I cry.

"Soul, are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"It's just that..."

"I was just gonna say I know you're dating Sokka, no need to cry."

"What? Oh yeah, haha," I sigh in relief. "We're not dating."

"But I saw you guys kiss," Katara teases.

"And I saw you kiss Aang," I tease back.

She playfully rolls her eyes. "That doesn't mean anything, it was just a kiss on the cheek. Aang's like a little brother to me."


"Hey, look," Katara says changing the subject.

"How about a cup of tea before we get back to the King?"

I look at the tea shop. "Mhm sure." I respond.

"Table for three, please."

"Uncle, I need two jasmine, one green and one lychee." We hear a familiar voice say.

Katara turns around seeing that the voice belonged to Zuko. She quickly grabs my hand and bolts out the tea shop.

Once we arrived at the palace Katara started panting.

"Thank goodness you're here, Suki. Something terrible is going on. The Fire Nation has infiltrated the city. I just saw Prince Zuko and his Uncle!"

Suki's eyes widened.

"We have to tell the Earth King right away!" Katara says.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be sure to let him know."

Katara then realizes that the warrior was not Suki, but Azula. Before she could react, Ty Lee swung at her, chi blocking her.

"Hey pretty." Ty Lee calls out at me.

"Hi gorgeous." I respond.

"Lights out." Was the last thing I heard before she snuck up behind me, chi blocking me, causing me to pass out.

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