Part 2: Code Blue

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After an eternity, the three-person hazard squad cautiously barreled into the hazy hospital suite to assess the situation and mysterious canister

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After an eternity, the three-person hazard squad cautiously barreled into the hazy hospital suite to assess the situation and mysterious canister. The mist had settled on every available surface, covering it in a syrupy sheen and reflecting all rays of light like a bleak prism.

Dr. Abatello, the first person on the scene, took in the sight of the young resident sprawled in the threshold blocking their pathway. He bent down and gently nudged Becca, looking for any sign of consciousness. She was breathing - slow and shallow. He motioned to his two team members - a point down with an index finger and then a level thumb. Dr. Wright and Dr. Stevens responded with the slightest of nods in their constricting body suits. Together they lifted Becca's petite form onto a gurney and continued a quick inspection of her vitals.

Dr. Abatello then moved to check Bobby and Danny. Nothing. No pulse and eyes long gone of life. He gave another somber signal to his team. Dr. Wright acknowledged the loss and two assistants mentally prepared to move the bodies. A shuddering gasp alerted Dr. Abatello to the last two victims. He swiftly moved to where both Rafael and Travis lay piled and near-lifeless. Both boys were near-unconscious and struggling to breathe. Travis barely had a pulse -

"Code blue!" Dr. Abatello yelled, jolting the other members into motion. Dr. Stevens was the first to abandon Becca to assist with chest compressions on Travis. Dr. Wright affixed an oxygen mask to her form then retreated to help Dr. Abatello carry Rafael onto a gurney.

The victims and their assailant were transported to an available Operating Room large and secluded enough for them to be checked out without disturbing or distressing other patients. Ventilators were wheeled in to allow for the three to breath a bit better.

With clean oxygen now flowing in her veins, life came back to Becca with a thick gasp. In hast-riddled confusion she yanked the bulky oxygen mask off, chucking it on the ground with a thump. A nurse rushed to replace it with a more manageable nose piece. With as much strength as she could muster, Becca sat up on her gurney, judging the unfamiliar spinning room.

Becca felt weak. Conscious again, but feeble.

The nerves in her hands still agitated and on fire, no matter how many times a nurse tried to wipe the itchy oil away. The airborne remnants caked the hairs of her nose with a constant tickle. Her eyes felt heavy, their amber color hidden behind the black of runny mascara and purple of exhaustion. She was disconnected from her body. She felt like her head was stuck in a tumultuous cloud, looking down on those around her.

Travis was still unconscious. One of the masked doctors in full PPE was poking and prodding, hunting for a stable heartbeat.

Rafael's eyes kept fluttering in and out of consciousness. It seemed the mysterious gas had taken residency in his lungs, for the room erupted in coughs. He visibly looked drained and his deep brown eyes began to hollow

In the corner of her eye, she noticed a few figures stalking about up above behind the thick panes of glass. Through careful squints - noting two white coats, a short brown blob and a towering pale blob, and two navy blue figures - and deductive reasoning told her they were Chief of Medicine Naveen Banerji, Ethan and a few policemen in the observation deck.

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