Part 8: Just Two People

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Ethan's blue eyes tentatively observed her from where he was perched at the edge of his uncomfortable seat. The nerves in his hand were alight as she clutched onto him tighter. The cool and controlled air swirled around them. The whooshing of the machines became all the more incessant. He braced himself for what was coming - he knew it was coming. He felt it too. The breath caught in his throat, his Adams apple bobbing uneasily as Ethan watched her lips move and tongue curl with the impending sentiment.

"Ethan... I -"

Their escalating conversation was interrupted by an unwelcome creak of her metal door handle. Ethan's head whipped around to shoot a deathly glare to the intruder. Nurse Geoff unsuspectingly sauntered into Becca's room to inform Dr. Ramsey that Dr. Banerji was waiting for him back at the nurses' station.

Ethan nodded and expelled a vexed breath in the nurse's direction, leaving Geoff unsettled as he discreetly backed out of the tense room. Ethan turned back to Becca with apologetic eyes, "I'll be back later." He carefully stood up, shifting his weight in the annoying hazard suit. He squeezed her hand gently once more, lingering before detaching their palms as he shifted to go.

In the last few hours, Ethan felt lighter.

A ghost of a pleased smile was permanently quirked in the upturn of the corners of his mouth ever since Becca had woken up. All morning no one dared to question his seemingly blithe attitude. Though, Esme did try when the two were consulting on one or Dr. Lao's patients. He gave a gruff admonishment to the remark when asked him about his sudden mood change, and if he was "happy Dr. Lao is doing better".

Rebecca's near-admission had left Ethan full - full of hope, full of certainty, full of anxiety, and full of something else .

He turned out of Becca's room to see Naveen standing at the nurses station, shifting his weight from foot to foot as he patiently waited for his protégé.

As soon as Ethan was in earshot, Naveen spoke, "I'm pleased to hear that your mentee is awake." the Chief of Medicine smiled brightly, given the circumstances.

Taking in his oldest friend's body language, Ethan figured his retrieval wasn't for anything remotely disastrous. Ethan folded his arms, non-verbally asking why he was disturbed. He had only been with her for less than an hour, technically he was still on his lunch break.

"We've gotten the police report," Naveen informed the standoffish doctor. "The copy is waiting for your team in the office."

Ethan looked over his shoulder and back to Becca's room. He knew he should finish their conversation, he owed her that much after all this time and mixed messages. They deserved to talk about what all this means. Though, deep down, he still wasn't ready for that. Ethan still hadn't researched all avenues and detailed all possible outcomes and scenarios to their coupling. Even throughout all the certainty attaching itself to his cells, he was still that scared eleven year old boy burned by supposed unconditional love.

For once in his life, Ethan Ramsey didn't have the answer. He didn't have a clue . All he knew was that woman back there meant more to him than logically fathomable.

He looked back to Naveen who had an arm outstretched to the side, signaling it was time for the two to go. Ethan quickly discarded his attire and the notable diagnosticians wordlessly walked towards Ethan's office.

The manila envelope sat atop the mess of failed research he left in his exhausted wake. Slowly walking behind his protégé, Naveen took a seat across from the large desk, crossing one leg over the other as he waited for the news. Ethan's hand grazed the folder, acutely afraid of the contents. Naveen shot him a reassuring smile.

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