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"BOUGE TOI!", Louis' head was pounding as he heard someone shout from the car behind him. Louis couldn't sleep last night because he finished all of his medication which caused his anxiety strike harder than it usually is during the day, that caused him to fall asleep while driving but luckily he fell asleep while he was waiting for the traffic lights to turn green instead of passing out in the middle of driving on the main road.

Finally Louis arrived to work, the first thing he did was to drink a full cup of coffee, he didn't even bother to add milk, he drank the cup like water and then he realized that coffee we'll make his anxiety worse. "Are you alright-? Why are you shaking?" Niall asked, Louis didn't know how to answer, it took his less than a second to understand that he's having a panic attack, "um I don't think so, do you have any pills? Preferably xanax." Louis knows it's wrong to take drugs but in this occasion xanax is the only thing that can calm him down fast enough, "I'm not sure, I'll ask Zayn wait" who's Zayn?? Louis was confused until the other buy from the flower shop came in, "bonjour, je suis Zayn umm, es-tu sûr que tu as besoin d'une pilule? c'est assez fort" "yes, please I know what I need the doctor prescribed me don't worry" Louis didn't have time to explain everything in french. "yes of course, I'll give you 2 if you'll need another one during the day" he's so nice, there needs to be more people like him "thank you so much Zayn, I'm Louis by the way it's really nice to meet you".
It was Louis' first time speaking to Zayn and he's much nicer than what he thought at first when Louis saw him at the first day of his job, Louis regrets to ever think bad of Zayn. they also have some things in common, like anxiety which doesn't sound really interesting but that made him feel like he isn't alone, and that's obviously a good thing, Louis believes that maybe him and Zayn could become good friends.

After calming down Louis begins working, but something cuts him off from working. Louis notices another blue flower on the counter, it's the second time that happened. The day really couldn't get any worse but looks like a single blue flower could ruin everything, so Louis throws it away again and doesn't bother to look out the window because he knows very well that the curly boy is looking at him now.

Suddenly a girl comes into the store, she's not alone, she's with 3 of her girl-friends, they seem like the same person, same hair, outfit, and even bags. They're basic white girls from the nearest highschool. One of the girl comes near the big shelves stuffed with vinyls from various indie bands, one of her friends pulls out a phone and starts to take pictures of her. This is one of the reasons why Louis was hesitant on getting a job there, there's nothing he hated more than rich, white, basic kids taking pictures at the record store. Because when Louis was 15 kids at his school would always make fun of him for collecting records, and now it's a trend to be 'different' or 'quirky'. There's a sudden wave of memories washing over him and it makes him nauseous, instead of throwing up he tries to ask the girls if they need any help and try to get them out of the store.

"Bonjour, as-tu besoin d'aide?" Louis asked just enough fast for him not to throw up all over the girls, "Non merci, nous pouvons nous débrouiller seuls" the girls replied with a rude tone, it pissed Louis off so he asked Niall to help him get them out of the store, "Niall help, there's 3 girls taking pictures at the store" "is that a problem?? It's always been like that don't worry" shit. "I'm going to throw up, please-" at this point Louis begging to god that the girls left and luckily, they actually left. Louis came out from the back of the store since the girls left, but he still felt nauseous so Louis calls Liam, "hey can I leave early-like right now- I feel like I'm going to throw up and I can't calm down-" "yesyes of course you can it's okay".

Louis went to find his car in his usual parking spot but the car wasn't there. I bet the flower was cursed, Louis really believes that the curly boy cursed him or something because this day doesn't seem to end, it only gets worse. "Je peux te conduire si tu veux" this isn't happening right now right? Somehow Harry was right next to Louis already and maybe Louis is actually cursed or maybe it's just overthinking, "why do you care" Louis really didn't have the energy to argue right now but he's just so annoyed, he prefers to walk home in a blizzard than to even be in the presence of Harry, "because I can? So are getting in the car or are you going to stand here until you freeze to death?" Ouch. "Alright." Was all Louis said.

After Louis told Harry his address the car ride was silent,for the most part though, until Harry had the audacity to speak, "so tell me about yourself" is he serious? I can't believe he's asking this.. "um I'm 19" "not like that.... More about your personality,Louis" "nothing that you should know considering the fact that I'm trying to ignore you" shit- I said that out loud- "oh alright then, I didn't mean to hurt you or anything, Zayn just told me that you have anxiety so I wanted to support you since- whatever, I'm just being polite" since what?? and why Zayn told him that? "Okay, here's one, I'm allergic to flowers" "I said personality" "and I don't care, take it or leave it".

After this incident the whole car ride was completely silent, at least Louis wasn't nauseous anymore, he was angry, he doesn't understand why Harry keeps annoying him.

"I can't believe someone can be so annoying!" Louis said angrily as he entered his flat, Louis really needed someone to rant to right now and the first thing that came into his mind is to call Zayn, even though Zayn literally works with Harry.
"Bonjour Louis! c'est tellement agréable de vous entendre! est-ce que tout va bien?" "Hi Zayn, and nope, I feel like shit, can I speak to you right now on the phone?" "Sure, go on".

Louis had been ranting about how annoying Harry is for about 20 minutes now, "and then today when I was about to go home he asked if I need a ride, I agreed bu-" Louis got cut off by Zayn saying "wait- but today's Monday, it's not Harry's shift today." WHAT- "but- he was there- why did he do that-" Louis replied with a disturbed tone in his voice "I don't know, maybe he likes you or something" pfft. "Yeah yeah of course. Can you just tell him to piss off? Thank you." Louis is just so annoyed that people assume things too fast, maybe Harry wants to kill him or something. Overthinking. Again.

After the call with Zayn that actually helped Louis to calm down Louis decided to get some groceries. So Louis dressed up again but this time he wore more aesthetically pleasing outfit. there's nothing Louis loves more than actually putting effort into something small like an outfit, another thing that he hides, so when people compliment him on his outfit that makes him sad, it makes him feel exposed and 'too easy to tell', Louis likes to be unknown and unnoticed because he always felt too loud and not interesting.

To his shock Louis sees his car right in front of the entrance to his apartment building, he decides not to overthink this until he sees a blue flower on the passenger seat

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To his shock Louis sees his car right in front of the entrance to his apartment building, he decides not to overthink this until he sees a blue flower on the passenger seat. Am I getting kidnapped right now? Overthinking. Of course something like this had to happen, and to his own surprise Louis doesn't think about this the whole ride to the grocery store. He's almost afraid of the flower, he doesn't touch it and he doesn't even dare to look at it.

When Louis gets into the grocery store he goes straight to the pharmacy part for his pills. "Bonjour, je suis ici pour ramasser les tablettes prozac" for some reason Louis felt bad asking for his tablets, he felt watched, "Ah oui bonjour monsieur Tomlinson, voici vos pilules, le chèque est de 25 euros" Louis pulls out his wallet and hands the old woman the money. after getting the tablets he goes to get the rest of the groceries.

As Louis leaves the store he notices a familiar car pulling out of the parking lot, it's Harry's car. Louis sprints to his own car and leaves the place as fast as he can because talking to Harry is the last thing he wants to do right now.

Lmao hi everyone, this chapter took me pretty long to write, I was trying to be creative🧍 anywayssssss bye I hope y'all lived that:))

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