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You know when you go to a record store and when you start looking through them they make that nice sound when you stack them on eachother? That's what the first 2 weeks of working at the record shop felt like for Louis, in other words, these 2 weeks were amazing and they went just like they should've and exactly what he wanted, everyday Louis would wake up ready and actually happy, which was pretty rare but maybe this is actually a new start and a new opportunity to be himself. That's what Louis would tell you, but in reality these 2 weeks weren't the best but they definitely were something, not exactly happy or satisfying since you know, anxiety can never let a person be 100% happy unless you try to hide it which was exactly what Louis did, he also didn't even try to meet new people, except Niall and Liam of course, the 3 of them clicked and Louis believes that they might become his best friends, but he doesn't put too much thought to it, Louis believes he thinks that they're going to be friends only because they're coworkers and Louis doesn't like that, because friends should be not coworkers they should be friends outside the workplace and only like that they'll be friends, ah overthinking, it never leaves his mind just like the curly boy that keeps annoying Louis every Wednesday, which means Louis had seen him only for 3 times now, that's better than everyday.

It's Friday, Louis wakes up later than usual since it's his free day and just like you guessed, he takes his pill just like every single day, so he walks through the big cold hallway with a fancy arch above the entrance, the marble floors freeze his feet though he's wearing 3 pairs of socks, he's surprised to why is it suddenly so cold? Louis slowly walks over to the old big floor to ceiling window and shit. It's snowing. He turns around and realizes that he can't walk with his dog, Clifford pooped all over the floor. So Louis' morning was slow and some kind of stressing, so Louis decided to go for a walk to the nearest café to drink hot chocolate because coffee is obviously gross.

The winter hit Versailles really quick and really hard, the trees were covered in not only snow, but also ice, Louis is one of those people that take pictures of everything they find interesting and then delete the pictures. There was a couple of people outside and luckily no tourists, tourists are the worst thing, they always act like other people don't exist and like they're at some kind of big zoo. As he was walking to the coffee shop he noticed the flower shop across the record shop, he peeked into the icy window to see if there was anyone in there and to look at the flowers, flowers are Louis guilty pleasure, he would rant hours upon hours on how he hates flowers and that he's allergic to them, but it's all a lie, flowers are one of the main things he likes that he keeps away from other people knowing. As Louis was looking at all the different types of bouquets he noticed someone making a big bouquet of flowers and cutting their tips of, it was the curly boy, now also known as Harry. Louis really wanted to go away from the window but he couldn't stop watching what the curly boy is doing, he's now writing a note and folding carefully the paper so the ends align, it's a cotton candy blue paper with a string attached at the top to secure it to the bouquet. Louis was looking for a little too long again and the curly boy turned his head to look at Louis and at that moment Louis immediately turned around and continued walking shamefully, that's so stupid now he thinks I'm a stalker or some kind of a maniac killer that wants to kill him or even a robber! Louis thought, he heard the bell ring from the door to the flower shop and that caused Louis to go faster to avoid any talking with Harry. Finally Louis got to the coffee shop, "Bonjour, puis-je avoir du chocolat chaud? " Louis asked the cashier "Bien sûr, ce sera 5 euros" the cashier replied, she seemed to be around 20 years old and that wasn't surprising since this coffee shop looks exactly what a 20 year old university student would work at, Louis never bought anything from Starbucks since he thinks it's basic and overrated, but this coffee shop had this warm feeling of calmness and quiet, most of the people in the coffee shop were students doing their schoolwork. Louis decided to stay at the coffee shop until it'll stop snowing, he has the whole day for himself so it really doesn't matter when he'll come home, his dog is safe in there. Louis decides to sit at one of the velvet seats by the window, he fixed his sweater as he sat down. One of the main reasons Louis likes winter is that he can wear sweaters with button-ups and trench coats, and never forget a good pair of black sweatpants that go with everything. Just like that 45 minutes pass and Louis finally decides to go back to his flat.

On the way back Louis decided to pick up one of the Arctic Monkeys vinyls from the shop, he enters the store and sets his keys,wallet and phone on the wooden counter, but he suddenly notices a blue flower with a note attached to it by a string - it's one of the flowers Harry was attaching the blue note to, Louis is creeped out for some reason and he thinks for a minute if he should read the note. Finally Louis got the courage to read what's inside the note, "polyommatus saphir " was written in cursive, it really confused Louis since there was no other context to the note, for some odd reason Louis felt disturbed by the note and eventually decided to throw away the flower but keep the note, because if there would be a reason to call the police he'll use the note as proof. After picking up the vinyl he rushed to his flat.

Louis spent the whole weekend overthinking everything that happened on Friday and even considered calling the police because he felt incredibly disturbed, but instead he tried to write in his journal, which yes, Louis writes in a journal, that's what his physiologist recommended for him to do when he feels like he needs to, though on one hand it made him feel like a middle school girl but on the other hand it made him calmer and somewhat more put together. He still wanted to continue ignoring Harry and now he actually had a reason.


omgomg I have so much inspo holy shitttttt, I'll update tomorrow I hope everyone likes this part, before we get into everything y'all should understand who Louis is in this book:)) I won't spoil anything so enjoy!!

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