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All 5 of them apear sat in a circle in a blank room. Bill is currently a triangle. In the middle of the circle is a pink circle, who looks oddly like Bill.

Pink Circle: Hi! I'm Patty! Welcome!

Dipper: Whats going on? Why is he here? Points to Bill

Patty: Don't worry, I took his powers. snaps fingers

Bill is now in a human form. He has blond hair, a suit and a eyepatch.

Bill: You can't take my powers. snaps fingers WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME

Patty: Langue! I will return your powers and erase your memory of this event once we are done. But for now, you are gonna react to some ships.

Wendy: Sounds cool.

Mabel: I'm in! This is gonna be fun!

Pacifica: Lets just get started.

Patty: I will be supervising. Bill, don't kill anyone. Dipper, don't kill Bill.

Bill and Dipper: Fine.

Gravity Falls reacts to Ships.Where stories live. Discover now