Gamer Girl

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So I'm a gamer girl.

I play videogames, and I also longboard.

When I tell guys I play videogames they don't believe me and or are fucking shocked. Why the fuck are you shocked? Yes I am a girl and yes I play videogames.

I play GTA 5, Tombs Raider, Saints Row 4, and Watch Dogs. People are like "Those aren't girl games" "Why aren't you playing Barbie princess games?"

What the actual fuck, can I kindly ask you to punch yourself a couple times and gtfo.

I usually don't text people back and the reasons
1. I don't like you
2. I'm sleeping
3. I'm eating
4. I'm playing videogames

So don't go thinking I'm mad at you

Back to videogames.....

I fucking love when the volume is up and it's fucking loud and you can hear the last cry of your enemies die.

But, my parents hate it.

"Turn it down" "It's to loud" "Don't play it when your brothers are awake it's inappropriate"


I have to words for you...




If you're a gamer girl, you'll be able to understand these things. Most people don't understand our love for these things. WE CAN DO BOY THINGS!!! GAMERS UNITE!!!

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