Science Fair

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so we have science fair this week

mine is motivation..

these kids are honestly getting so irritated with me

*le me "quiz time!"

*le little children "this bitch better shut the fuck up before I shove her balls down her throat"

I wonder if any of them have thought of that

these bitches be expecting candy

greedy mother fucking children.

*le me *walks to classroom"

*le me "anybody that's ugly gets no candy"

*le children "am I ugly?" "do I get candy"

*le me *skips out of classroom laughing* *trips*

these kids are honestly stupid

ask anyone who was near me while I was grading unicorn-whale

"these kids are stupid as shit, even the Asian kid"

if anyone takes that offensively I'm sorry

hehee maybe

I believe our science teacher is going to flip his shit

RIP Mr. Graf

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