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The next morning, no alarm wakes us up. Just the dim light filling the room. I wake up to Mat's arm draped over me, providing me some warmth as well as the navy blue sheet pulled up to my shoulders. He's lightly snoring and the covers are draped over his waist. I take this opportunity to wake him; the right way. I press a soft kiss to his jaw, and then neck, and then chest. He stirs in his sleep and wakes up, when he realizes what I'm doing he doesn't hesitate to grab something on me that was close and that happened to be my wrist. He squirms under me until he's had enough of my teasing and somewhat aggressively flips me onto my back and we repeat last night all over again. After all was said and done, he falls back asleep and I fall asleep on his sweaty chest too. We only slept for a few more hours before actually rolling out of bed and showering, where we also did it, before getting ready for our flight back to Canada.

We head to the airport and catch our plane back where we're greeted by Mat's dad, who gives him a long tight hug, probably a proud dad moment from the awards. Mike also comes and gives me a hug as well. "Welcome back to Vancouver." Mike says to me. Mat takes my hand and we go to baggage claim. We hop in the car and head back to Mat's dad's place. Mike treats us both to celebratory dinner and after we finish, I go on my phone and post the picture of Mat and I with his award on my Instagram with the caption "my trophy with his trophy. So proud of my baby! I always knew you were number 1" He sees it and via his own account, he responds "I love you so much! Thank you, baby girl, couldn't have done it without my number 1 fan and ass kicker. 😉" My account blows up with likes and comments of congrats to him. A random NHL girlfriends page posts the picture of me laying a kiss on Mat on their page with the caption "Mathew Barzal and Alexandra Callahan at the NHL Awards. Congrats @barzal97!" We go back to Mat's dad's place and hang out, playing card games and laughing for most of the night. 

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