Circles (BHS Pt.3)

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George was currently watching you get ready for your date with a certain longing in his eyes. It made you a little insecure with the way he seemed to be watching your every move. Your hand started to shake as you were attempting to draw the black line across your eyelid. "shit" you swore under your breath as your arm jumped up just the slightest bit.

You heaved out a sign and put your hands down on the cold porcelain of the sink. Your new engagement ring let out a high pitch clank that had you double checking it to make sure it was okay.

"Can I help you Weasley?" The teasing tone in your voice caused him to give you a small shy smile. His style over the last couple of years had started to change ever so slightly again. More flannels creeped into his wardrobe. More than once you noticed him wearing the few bigger sized band tees you had in the back of your closet. You didn't mind at all, in fact you liked this side of George. When you had shown him your music, and therefore style, a few months prior you had expected him to call you weird. You've had worse reactions. Been called everything from crazy to a devil worshiper. All because you liked music that was a little heavier.

George on the other hand had thrown himself into it full force. Taking all of your albums and listening to them more times then you had probably. He had managed to enchant a few of your posters so they now smile and mosh to some unheard rhythm playing behind them. Even letting you drag him to some of your favorite muggle bands concerts. Though, the amount of people and noise did tend to startle him too much to have as much fun as you did.

He was still frozen behind you, catching his expression in the mirror you fought the urge to laugh. George must have noticed the way your lip shook as you bit it in the attempt to stop the giggles for tumbling out, his ear heated up pink.

His eyes seemed to be locked onto the eyeliner in your hand. You raised it and it seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in.

"Do you want some?" You said raising the little pencil again. He shook his head, but you didn't seemed convinced.

"Come here." Your other hand motioned for him, that was when you saw him smirk.

"If you want me that bad, love, you'll have to catch me." And with that, he slammed the bathroom door as a way to slow you down. You let out a scream of frustration.

"You never play fair Georgie!" You shouted as you flung open the door and ran after him. Curse him and his long legs. He always seemed to two feet ahead of you. Turning around the corners of your home rather easily, not breaking stride, while you had to almost hop around them to make sure you didn't keep going straight.

You chased him for what felt like hours, but it had only been minutes at most. Every muscle in your body was screaming for air and the laughter that kept falling out was not helping in the slightest. You had chased him around the house in laps and you still hadn't gotten any closer to catching him. Your feet started to slow down, clomping against the hardwood as your heels started to drop more. The hand you had on the wall seemed to be helping you catch your breath without falling to your feet.

Through your heavy breathing, you didn't even notice that George had snuck up behind you. His arm suddenly wrapping around your middle and lifting you off of your feet.

"Put me down!!!" You shouted through your heavy breaths, he ignored you and flung you over your shoulder. Leaving your arms hanging over his back, in perfect swatting range of his perfect backside. He let out a heavy laugh when you did just that. He walked you over to the couch and put you back down on your feet. Before he sat down, you had him pinned down on the couch. The pencil he seemed to forget about appeared from thin air. You grabbed him head and crawled onto his lap, facing him. As quickly as you could, you drew a thin line of the black on his lower lash line. He was never going to let you tight line his eyes or get anything close to the top, he just wouldn't stay still enough for that.

You gave him a quick peck on his lips once you had decided you were happy with how it looked. You were actually more than happy in all honesty. George was by far the handsomest person you knew, but with the added eyeliner bringing out all the different colors speckled in his eyes, he looked a deadly mixture of beautiful and sexy.

He seemed to notice your staring and chuckled before asking "How do I look?"

You pulled his face to yours, a little rougher this time.

"Perfect. As always."

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