But What if...JK...Unless..

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I was sitting on my bed at the safe house, it was just a little past sundown when I got a knock on my door.

"Y/n?" A voice from behind the door calls.

I folded over the corner of the book I was trying to read and set it down. I walk over to the door to open it and standing behind it is George Weasley in all of his glory.

"You got a second?" He sounds serious. I instantly start to panic but swallow it down.

"Yeah of course. Is everything alright?" Even I can hear the stress in my voice.

"Oh yeah. Don't worry everything is fine. I guess. As fine as they can be...considering.." A breath escapes from my mouth. Deflating. He's trying to make it into a joke so it must be semi-serious.

"What's up?"

"I want to do something a little stupid. And I need, one, you not to get upset, and two you to go with me." I roll my eyes at this melodramatic tone.

"George whatever you need. I'm in."

"Don't agree before you hear it."

"Merlin, George just spit it out." I say getting slightly impatient.

"I need to go check on the shop." He rushes out.

No. Absolutely not. Not a chance in hell. I have heard a fair share of stupid things come out of this mans head but this by far has to be the stupidest thing he has ever thought of.

"You said you wouldn't get upset." Hurt is laced into his voice.

"You didn't say it was that stupid." My tone is clipped.

"I said a littl.."

"Little. Not damn near suicidal." I stare him down with a gaze that would put Molly to shame.

"Look. I just want to grab some things. Ya' know, and make sure the place is still standing. It's really important to me." George went straight to pleading. He knew I couldn't say no if it was that important to him.

I looked up at the ceiling like it would suddenly come and strike me down. I wasn't that lucky.

"Fine. I will go on this death mission with you. Just because I know you'd go with or without me." I sigh.

In the next moment, I'm getting picked up off of my feet. Smothered in a giant hug from George.

"Thank you."

"Thank me when we get back. Preferably with all of our remaining parts." I say, still not used to the hole on the side of his face. Just another reminder of what is out there waiting for us.

I regret saying yes the moment I agreed. Damn George and him knowing I can't say no to him.


"If you don't stay still. I will just just cut it all off." I shout at the man doing his best impression of a worm for me currently. He just continues to laugh  "Stop it or I won't go." He laughs harder at my attempt to be stern but stops squirming. I am currently covering up his signature red hair, turning it into a dark brown. Going right into the belly of the beast was one thing, his bright red hair would give us away and I wasn't going to rely on a cloak to cover it up if we got caught. Mine was currently a bright white that made Malfoys' look brassy. Hopefully it would be enough if we were to get stopped, not that I think the person stopping us would be the 'ask questions' first type. A few more flicks of my wand and all the red is covered. I dye his eyebrows for good measure and he really does look like a whole new person. "Okay done." I say tucking my wand away into my cloak.

"That should hold for long enough to get us there and back." I say, my mind reeling at all the things that could go wrong. Just to check on his stupid store. George's work ethic was one thing I admire about him, but it really did know no boundaries.

We manage to sneak out of the boundaries of the protection spells around the cottage. I looked up at the dark sky for the first time in what felt like months. For being on the beach, I really did just hide away inside.

We apparated to just a few stores down from the shop, just in case there was anyone waiting inside it. It would give us time to either get out or to prepare for a fight.

I grabbed George's arm tightly as we walked down the abandoned and destroyed street that used to be crawling with life. The windows all blown out or boarded up, glass crunching under our feet as we walked what used to feel like a second home. I had to swallow back tears. Just seeing this type of destruction in a palace that used to feel untouchable.

George seemed to sense my mood change, and might even have been feeling it himself and squeezed the hand that was wrapped around his arm. To anyone that looked we probably just looked like a very out of place couple. The store was in view and to say it was eerie would be an understatement. The giant moving statue outside of it, still and lifeless. Seeing that sent a chill down my spine and was really threatening my self control. Other than just being dead, it looked pretty untouched. One window in the front was broken but that could be easily fixed. I tried to focus on that. It was rebuildable. Maybe we all were.

Suddenly I got the feeling we were being watched.

"Shit." I swore when I saw someone walking towards us. I pulled George closer and picked up our speed. I felt his other hand twitch towards where his wand was tucked. Taking a deep breath, I pull him towards me and give no time to think about it before I push my lips against his. My heart stops beating the moment I meet the softness. With how much he bites at his lip I would expect them to be rough but it was like touching a cloud. As sweet as a sugar quill. He lets out a surprised gasp and I expect him to pull away or maybe even push me off. Be disgusted. His hand comes up to my face and I brace myself. Instead he just grabs my cheek, his other hand leaving his wand and wrapping around my waist. I can feel the heat of his skin through my traveling cloak and it warms up my whole body. My heart flutters in my chest, it's only because we almost got caught. Yeah that's it. Not because I'm currently kissing the man I've happened to have a crush on since year 4.

Whoever was calling to us clearly decided it wasn't worth breaking up the apparent happy couple and I can hear them mutter something under their breath as they walk out of sight.

After a few more long seconds I go to pull away. When I open my eyes, I find his warm brown eyes staring back at me.

Silence hangs in the air, heavy and full of a spark. My whole face heats up as I'm waiting for him to chew me out. Call me crazy. Say that I'm the biggest idiot ever.

"Finally" He says in a husky voice like silk. He uses the hand that's on my cheek to pull me back to his lips. I swear my heart stopped altogether at this point. It's soft and sweet, everything I ever dreamed it would be. Except so much better because I knew it was real, this was really happening. I smile against his lips and pull back.

"You're telling me. Now let's go grab whatever was so important that it was worth risking our lives".

His hands dropped from my waist and intertwined with my hand. It was at that moment I knew I would do anything to protect this man.

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