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-jingle jangle _____

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-jingle jangle

A freaked out Ray turned around at the sound of our footsteps, his fists out ready to fight.

"Woah calm down it's just us." Trevor told him. He visibly relaxed. His rigid shoulders dropping. Ray looked awful.

"Are you okay? Your bleeding. What happened?" Xavier asked rushing to his friends side. "Where's everyone else?" He asked throwing yet another question at Ray who was clearly panicked.

"We were attacked at the infirmary, everyone scattered, I got stabbed, Chet was with me but I lost him. I had to cover myself with dirt and leaves to hide." Ray answered quickly.

"What about Brooke?" Montana asked.

"Last time I saw her she was with Rita." The four of us looked at each other at the mention of Rita.

"Shit." I cursed, running my hands through my messy hair. Ray looked at me confused.


"Rita, is not Rita. We found the real one bound and gagged in the boat house." Xavier frantically told him.

"J-Jingles killed her." I added shuddering at the image of the nurse fried in my brain.

"Wait, wait what!" Ray asked very confused, but visibly freaked. "Then who the hell is with Brooke."

"I don't know but we have to find her." Montana hissed getting ready to drag Ray across the entirety of the camp.

"We should go to the parking lot." Ray said. Xavier shook his head at the idea.

"I'm not leaving without Margret and Bertie." Trevor insisted.

"Me neither." Xavier added defiantly.

"If you all want to be hero's, that's fine by me but there is no way in hell that I'm goin back, not with two murders lurking in the damn shadows!" Ray said throwing  a hissy fit. I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to be here either but Trevor and Xavier both had points, no man gets left behind. I also didn't have the patience right now to deal with a hissy fit.

   Trevor had given in to Rays demand and told him and Montana to take his ninja and get to the call box down the road, leaving the three of us alone.

We stood basking the silence of the night for a bit. "We should go." I said pursing my lips. The two nodded with a chorus of yeah. I sighed taking one deep breath of peace.

Before we even moved an absurd amount of groans broke through the air nearby.

"Who is that?" I asked quietly looking at the two men who accompanied me. I walked slowly behind Trevor and Xavier my hand gripped tightly to Xaviers shoulder.

"I don't know but we're gonna find out soon." Xavier said turning back to look at me. The two of them peered down into the large pit. "Chet?"

"Xavier?" Chets unbelieving voice came up from the ground. I peered down to where they were looking and sure enough Chet was in a hole a giant spike through his shoulder. "Thank god." He cried.

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