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-Ramirez's end

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-Ramirez's end.
After about an hour Brooke left me to my own deceives. I sat at the edge of the dock, my toes dipping into the cool water. I stared calmly out at the water which rippled ever so slightly.

"Dawn?" Xaviers voice questioned from behind me. I turned around to face the blonde boy. "What's wrong?" He asked taking a seat beside me. He slipped off his white trainers and dipped his foot in the water.

"Brookes not dead." I told him not even glancing his direction.

"What?" He asked with a sudden disbelief.

"Yeah, Donna helped her." Xavier furrowed his brow. I shook my head holding back a laugh. It was a lot to comprehend, I knew. He placed his cold hand atop of mine. "Hey did you know that sloths can hold their breath underwater longer then dolphins can?" Xavier blinked before letting out a loud laugh.

"No I did not know that." I smiled widely. "Where did you even learn that?" Xavier asked gripping his chest. I shrugged, I didn't understand what was so funny but he was laughing and his laugh was like music to my ears so I just let it sing.

"Some book in the camp library."

"This place was a library?" He asked raising a cocky brow at me.

"Yes, now maybe if you did something other then kill people you would know that." I retorted. He scoffed.

"That's not all I do." He defended himself. I rolled my eyes.


"It's true!"

"What else do you do then?" I asked leaning back on my hands.

"This." He responded, pressing his lips to mine. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, I pushed them away before breaking away from him.

"That's all you got?" I teased standing up.

"Well no-" he responded easily jumping up. He went to finish his sentence but was interrupted by Trevor.

"Hey guys." He said awkwardly. I could tell he was no longer alive but before I could ask him what happened Montana showed up at his side.

"I have a plan and I need your help."


I sat quietly in the old shack claimed by Lavinia Richter, expect nobody had seen her since yesterday. I spun the gold ring around my finger, occasionally glanced at the small encrusted diamonds. Every single ghost we could rally sat in silence just waiting for Montana to arrive with The Night Stalker. I hid underneath an old tool table making sure to not make a sound. The door creaked open creating a soft breeze in the stuffy room.

"So where's Billy?" Ramirez asked the pretty blonde as they entered the rundown building. She gripped tightly to his leather jacket, trying to be as seductive as possible. I smirked slightly at her antics.

"He's coming." She breathed throwing her head back a little bit. While Richard was distracted by Montana's beauty and his love for Idol, Jonas snuck quietly out of his hiding place. The old counselor shut the door with a creak. Paranoid Ramirez whipped around anger prominent on his features. All of us ghosts got up and stood in a circle, surrounding the crazed killer. He wasn't our main goal but it sure as hell would feel good.

"Fuck me." He muttered under his breath as he looked around at everyone of us. I stood next Xavier my blonde hair plaited tightly down my back. I crossed my arms and arched my brow, sure I looked cocky with my hip out but I didn't care. I felt badass. Xavier gently placed his hand on my dark leather jacket. It was a redish brown color that clung tightly to my skin. I smirked as Richards face paled. Montana excitedly shoved a knife in his back. His back arched with pain as she hissed in his ear.

"This is my revenge you dickwad. I'm gonna be the one to end you." She pulled the knife out of his back. He toppled to the ground, now lying on his back. His gasped for air.

"Your a bitch!" He shouted at Montana.

"And your a sick fuck who gets his rock soft slicing up grannies. Does that make you feel like a man? Your pathetic!" She held the knife tightly in her hand. "We're gonna make you pay for all eternity for all the fucked up shit you've done." She spit in his face. His face screwed up.

"Your not supposed to be here!" Jonas yelled taking an axe of some sort to Ramirez's crotch. The killer howled in agony. I took the silver knife that gleamed in my hand before shoving it into Ramirez's shoulder. A rush of energy burst through my veins as I took another hit at Ramirez. It was a feeling I had never felt before.

I bounced back laughing happily. I felt so much better knowing one killer was now at bay. Ramirez chocked on blood.

"I'll come back." He warned, heaving. "I'll come back."

"And I'm counting on it." Montana hissed devilishly, slitting the serial killers throat. She let out a rage filled scream as the man on the grounds  body revolted his back arching like a cat. Blood squirting from the cut on his neck. The sound was gross and made me cringe but the act was so satisfying. Blood was printed on my face creating an unwanted sticky feeling. The room was now pungent with iron. Trevor and Chet laughed manically at Ramirez's now dead body. I cheered high-fiving my favorite blond boy. 

We devised a death watch for the next time he reincarnated. Satan was on the mans side and there was no way in hell I was letting that fucker go near Bobby.


The warm water rushed over my body creating a safe haven. The soap glided easily over my smooth skin. The blood was clung to my body and hair. Tonight we were to end Margret, we just had to have the right opportunity. Margrets plan wasn't going to work since Trevor had told almost everyone that the festival has been shut down due to various reasons. I was glad this madness was coming to an end but I almost felt empty like something was missing. We were going to be stuck here forever and that wasn't something I wanted. The door to the shower hall opened revealing Xavier. His arms crossed as he leaned against the shower door. My face was red with embarrassment. He just smirked at my flushed face.

"Come on Dawn, only an hour til sunset." I nodded before shutting off the warm water. Slipping a towel around my body. My hair was wet and knotted, it was an uncomfortable feeling and one I didn't enjoy. Xavier smirked handing me a fresh shirt. It was a short black cropped top with thin sleeves. I looked at it confused. It was almost winter and he was trying to dress me in a tank top.

"What?" Xavier asked putting his hand down.

"Nothing it's just cold outside, especially since the sun is about to go down." I responded taking the top from him. Xavier rolled his eyes.

"No shit Dawn." Xavier remarked. He pulled a dark green corduroy jacket out of one of the lockers. It was a pretty green and not super flashy like the clothes Montana wore.

"Where'd you get this stuff?" I asked him slipping the jacket on.

"I took it from the few festival goers that made it in. They have a weird style now days." He responded with a shrug. I smiled at him pulling on a pair of light was jeans. I took my belt and looped it through the hole so that the lose pants wouldn't fall down.

I sat down on the edge of my bed, taking a brush through it. My hair made a crunchy sound that caused  Xaviers face to scrunch up. I threw my wet towel at him.

"Wanna braid my hair?" I asked him. He nodded before standing up and walking over to my bed. His fingers delicately brushed the nape of my neck. Small shivers ran down my spine at his touch. Midge and I had taught Xavier how to French braid one day. Our boredom was at peak max and Xavier was our loving subject and now he was the best braider ever besides myself of course.

After a little while Xavier looked out the window. "It's time."  He told me standing up.

"Let's do this thing."

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