USJ Invasion

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[Few days later]

There was a bunch of press outside of UA and asking for All Might and they were interviewing each clapssmate that walked through but Izuku would walk past as he smirked and said, "Why don't you follow me huh? I "know" were All Might is." Aizawa saw the smirk and he lets it happen as the press were about to walk in as the UA barrier activated and everyone went to their classes.

[In class]

Class 1-A was in their seats waiting for teacher as Izuku looked at Momo and smiled gently and happily as he was so happy as he did sing to her as Green Valley as his classmates were early talking to him about this as Bakugou smirked, "Well Dekiru, you make great Music better then today's Music honestly you will be a great singer even if you be a pro heh." People looked at Bakugou shocked as he then yelled out, "DON'T SAY A WORD EXTRAS!" The class laughed softly as then they went silent and heard the class door open as Aizawa was impressed a bit as he spoke, "Alright class....we have something to do now..." The class thought besides Todoroki, Izuku, Bakugou, and Momo as the rest thought, "Another Quirk assessment?..." Aizawa then said, "Choose a class rep and vice rep." The class yelled together, "THAT'S A TOTALLY NORMAL EVENT!!!" As the class went chaotic but not for the four that were silent the whole time as Mineta was about to say something perverted as Izuku then punched him into the wall hearing the girls say thanks and his girlfriend to as then he stopped the class, "Aizawa sensei let's handle this with a voting system and no voting yourself cause that's not right, we must remain in a orderly fashion and make sure not to overcrowd okay? Mochan make a ballot and small vote pages." she nodded and began making the papers and ballot as Aizawa spoke, "just be quiet and let me nap wake me up when votes are in of course.." The class were voting for Momo and or Izuku due to them being the smartest and showing the most leadership skills as Izuku got 12 votes and Momo 8 as Aizawa woke up and spoke, "Izuku Midoriya and Momo Yaoyorouzu are class rep and vice class rep, now we have a field will have All Might, Me and someone else..."

[With All Might]

A villain was holding a family of three as he yelled out, "Back away heroes! Don't come closer or else I'll kill them!" he was yelling Kamui Woods and MT.Lady as they all hear a laugh, "Don't worry family! You are safe now!" his hand did some movements and it went into a Karate chop as he yelled, "Missouri SMASH!" he knocked out the villain as he saved the family hearing praises as he heard, "A Hit and Run!" and he dashed off by jumping as he thought, "Shit, If I keep doing this I'll have no time for class at USJ ah damnit and Nezu will probably lecture me on things and talk about me stopping crimes in a mere hour I only have two more hours left, and Young Midoriya.....I gave you the small embers which will grow into a mighty blaze, and eventually I'll have to retire and watch you grow to be a hero...Hoooo! Deep stuff All Might!"

[Back at UA lunch]

Momo and Izuku with Iida, Uraraka, Jirou and Ashido were eating and talking as Uraraka then said, "Iida Are you a rich boy?" Iida froze and began to tell the tale of how his family is of heroes as Izuku was about to ask a question as then the school alarm went off as it said level three intruder as Iida grabbed a upperclassman by the arm gently and asked, "What's a Code three?" "Someone broke through the UA barrier! This hasn't happened for the three years I've been here!" people were panicking as Izuku, Uraraka and Momo were stuck together as Izuku sees what's wrong as he yelled out, "Uraraka! Make me float!" she nodded and made her float as Momo used a staff she made to launch him forward as he lands above the exit sign gracefully and yelled out using one for all in his voice, "Everyone! Calm down! It's only the press! We are students of UA! You all need to calm down and not get worked up this school is full of heroes!!!!" People calmed down as the students were calm as Izuku jumped down and his class And lover were complementing him for his actions to stop everything and calm everyone down as Izuku smiles happily not knowing of the danger that will come at USJ.

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