Training & The Story Of SF

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[The next day when Izuku woke up]

Izuku would wake up and smile softly but he was worried a fake soft smile he was hiding his pain as he got death threats from Bakugou and degrading texts to as he put his phone on silent and then said softly, "What did I do to him?.....Is there something wrong with me?...and Momo left me..I feel so alone but I need to hide it.." he sighed softly as he started to cry and say softly, "Why was it me? hurts so much to lie about my hurts so bad!...I'll never be okay....this bullying.....The pain...." For a few minutes he cried and wiped his tears away and grabbed clothing for two weeks and his quirk journals all 15 to use to further his power as he still had MMA training and is a master at it as he went down stairs smiling, "Morning Mom, when is Mommagiri gonna be here?" Inko smiled, "Soon but make sure you train hard for that festival okay? I hope you sent a new hero suit design for the hero support." He nodded, "It will be sent after SF since I added a new Cape and changed everything about it to help me since I may have to use my legs with stockpile since My right arm hurts a bit and it already has scaring on my hand and it sucks." Inko giggled as a warp gate appears and out steps Kurogiri or Mamagiri as he then said, "Izu you ready?" Izuku nodded as he hugged his mom bye, "Bye Mom I'll see you after the Festival I'll win of course and also the principal said I can use songs that are inspiring even if they are with explicit words so I have to learn how to curse..." Inko then said, "Fine but make sure Tenko and your father be good and try not to corrupt you further okay?" He nods as he also had his Unordinary power journal as he left with Mamagiri[I love typing this it's wholesome:3] Kurogiri would have warped himself and Izuku in front of All For One as Izuku smiled and hugged his brother and Father again as they hugged back smiling as Dad for one spoke, "Alright Izuku let's get quirk control on your quirks. And I won't pull any of punches plus your mutated quirk of mine is stronger so we will see how many quirks you can handle since I'll tell you all of mine since it would be helpful to you cause I have allot and I'm Centuries old I am so old that I am a relic of when quirks appeared as I am strong in my own right but you are so much stronger than anything you have One For All and All For One the two quirks at war but within you they accepted each other!" Izuku widens his eyes, "D-Dad how d-do you know of O-One for all?...." All for one then face palms as All Might didn't the him anything about One For All as Izuku blinked in confusion as All For One began telling the tale of his and Izukus quirk and One For All as Izuku was the example of Good and Bad Accepting each other but in a different way as Izuku was just mind blown to hear all of this as All For One then said, "The League was made to protect you and do some bold things as well but Son I know you want to be a hero but we will always be honest right Tenko?" His older brother nods as Izuku then pulled out 15 quirk journals as they blinked and All For One picks one up which was #1 and read it as he impressed and shocked to see so much information on different Heroes and All for one was just utterly shocked at the information which was so detailed and such amazing sketches as he was just shocked about it all as Izuku then said, "I'm ready to begin my training and I don't care if it's harsh." All for one and Shigaraki smirked as they spoke in sync, "We will train you so well your class mates will bow down to you and make your training so harsh you will just be begging for mercy.." as Izuku sweat drops a bit at this as the Training began! As he also was taight how to curse that day.

[4 days in]

Izuku was panting as he was working without much sleep since he had to make a quirk to raise his stamina Beyond his limits as Izuku did eat when he needs to at least as the training was indeed wanting to make him beg but he wouldn't as he was feeling stronger and gains more control of his quirks as Izuku was training with heavy weights of 50 pounds each on his arms and legs as he was using his legs with one for all and managed to start his own fighting style Full Cowling Shoot Style as In just was learning different moves to as he was also training his All For One Quirk as well as he made Hawks quirk Fierce Wings as Izuku had Metallic Dark Green feathers coming out his back as he started to use his feathers to cut up a training dummy as he was truly being amazing by increasing the reaction speed and strength of his feathers as he then makes a feather sword and started to attack the dummy as he wasn't letting up his training as he pushes so hard as Dad For One and Big Brother Shiggy even Mamagiri as some new villains joined them as Izuku managed to get along with them even Toga as they became his second family as he started to rap something, "My names Green Valley And I'm the killer of Music Weee!!!" it actually had made sense and Izuku began to smiled as he continued, "And the Killer of the Music will slay down the evil!" he was fighting a clone of himself from Twice as close Izuku was helping the real one with a sword style for when he uses the feather sword as Izuku was just being a total badass as he only had his main two quirks and three quirks as Fierce wings is the third quirk to the Nomu speed and strength as Izuku was really getting so strong as he also had called the support course to add wing holes as his case was gonna hide his wings a bit as Izuku was wanting to show his wings out and be a bird to since he loved this quirk so much to as he felt so free as he continued his training.

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