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The two walked around town and would stop once in a while when civilians would greet Granger. Guinevere raised a brow when a group of children came rushing to him. Three girls were holding out a bunch of flowers to him as they praised him for taking out the demons that harassed people.

Granger kept quiet but crouched down to accept the gifts and giving each girl a gentle pat on their heads. Guinevere merely watched the scene unfold. She never knew he was good with children.


A little boy in the group called her attention making her snap out of her thoughts. Guinevere immediately smiled at the bashful boy who held out a violet flower for her.

"This is for you." The boy said so softly that she nearly missed it.

Guinevere chuckled and accepted the flower. It was Granger's turn to watch as Guinevere thanked the little boy and praised him for giving her her favorite flower. The girls then told her that the little boy has been looking at Guinevere for a while and teased him that he just might have a crush on her.

Guinevere couldn't help but laugh, "That's so sweet of you."

The girls giggled while the little boy glared at his friends. Granger chuckled and walked over to the little boy, crouching down next to him.

"What you did was admirable. Always express yourself, alright? I can't blame you really." Granger started.

The girls hushed while Guinevere watched Granger in curiosity.

"The princess is quite a vision, isn't she?" Granger whispered to the little boy but Guinevere heard it nonetheless, which made her cheeks burn.

The little boy nodded making Granger chuckle before standing up.

"Take it easy on him, girls. Thank you for the wonderful flowers. You best take care of yourselves now. Stay out of trouble." Granger told the group.

The children nodded in agreement before walking off.

Guinevere then cleared her throat while Granger turned to her.

"I never knew you're so good with kids." She commented.

Granger kept quiet for a bit before he handed her the flowers. Guinevere merely stared at them before looking back at him.

"You deserve them more than I do." He said.

Guinevere frowned, "The kids gave it to you. You have to keep them."

Granger then shrugged and walked off. Guinevere followed him instantly as he walked to one stall selling baskets. He bought one and he placed the flowers in before turning to her.

"You can place that here too." He said, pointing at the violet flower.

Guinevere then placed it in with the rest and they continued to walk on.

"The kids here really admire you, huh?" Guinevere said, breaking the silence between them.

Granger shrugged, "I'm just doing my job."

Guinevere smiled, "I'm proud of you."

Granger blinked and looked at her as they continued walking

"Oh! You're both here too, aye?" Alucard exclaimed when Granger and Guinevere turned to one corner.

Alucard grinned as he held out an apple candy to Guinevere.

"Want one? Thought I'd have a bit of snack before I go back to training." The blonde demon hunter added.

Guinevere smiled and took the candy from him, "Thank you."

Alucard smiled back before turning to Granger to ask him if he also wanted one when he saw the basket of flowers in his hand.

"Oh hohoho," Alucard smirked, "Are you courting the princess? Is that why you're so grumpy when that Paxley guy is around her?"

Guinevere stared at him in surprise while Granger only gave his fellow demon hunter an unamused gaze.

"So this is why you're obnoxiously hyper. You have too much glucose for your own good." Granger commented.

Alucard only grinned before he shrugged, "Better to be energetic. Can't have a demon hunter all down and vulnerable when a demon shows up, right princess?"

Guinevere blinked before nodding, "Err...right."

Granger raised a brow at Guinevere before turning back to Alucard.

"Where are you heading now?" He asked.

Alucard then took a bite of his own apple candy, "Not sure. Mind if I tag along?"

Guinevere looked to Granger who merely sighed and nodded, "Fine."

Alucard grinned wider before he placed his arm around Guinevere's shoulder making the princess flinch in surprise. Granger frowned.

"Oi." He protested but Alucard was already busy talking to Guinevere how good the ice cream of the Moniyan Empire was.

"I'll buy you one! What flavor would you like?" Alucard asked.

Guinevere chuckled and agreed meanwhile, Granger glared at the blonde as he followed the two.


"So! How did you meet Granger? Was he already grumpy?" Alucard asked after they got their ice creams.

Guinevere turned to see Granger walking quietly behind them, holding the basket of flowers in one hand and an ice cream in another. He merely looked back at her.

Guinevere then smiled before turning back to answer Alucard.

"I met him when we were still kids. He worked as a servant in our castle. I guess he was sort of grumpy when we met."

Alucard chuckled and turned to his friend, "You sure have no regard to status."

Granger scoffed, "Says the one who disrespects a princess' personal space."

Alucard grinned, "Whoops."

Granger rolled his eyes while Guinevere chuckled.

"I don't blame him really. It was my fault he was grumpy when we met. Lancelot and I ruined my mother's rose bush that he was tending to."

Granger smirked, "Nice to hear you owning up to your mistakes."

Guinevere rolled her eyes this time as Alucard chuckled.

"You both are quite a pair." He commented.

Guinevere and Granger merely looked at him.

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