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Part 2 - He's Back

"Come on Bells, I'm sure Edward doesn't hate you, he was probably just having a bad day."

I say to my sister, whose laying on my bed ranting about the Cullen who sits beside her in Science, "then how come he wasn't in school for the past few days, when all his siblings have been"

"Maybe they all have whatever made the weird boy have a seizure, like some sort of genetic condition." I say trying to explain something I can't explain, "well that doesn't make sense they aren't blood-related, Elijah is related to the dad, while Edward is related to the mom," Bella says

"It doesn't matter, I just don't trust them."

Me to Bella, me too.

* * * *

As I take my seat in history so does my table mate, Emmett Cullen, we greet each other with quick "heys" and we get to work on our project about European life in the 1800s. Emmett tries to explain things to me but everything goes straight over my head, years are impossible for me to remember, one of the fun things about my Dyslexia.

Finally, I get fed up with all the kings and slavery and I ask "why hasn't your brother been in school, my sister thinks it was the same reason he wasn't," I say nodding towards Eli who was sat at the back of class aimlessly writing notes "I disagree though, so where is he?"

"Edward is visiting family up in Alaska." He says simply going back to his book, "am I just supposed to believe the same day he freaks out on my sister in science, just so happens to be the day he was planning on going to Alaska?"

"Yes. Now let's get back to work." I let out a soft groan. There's something he's not telling me, but what.

I'm guessing Emmett can sense my frustration as he tries to explain what year some random war happened. This time he's the one asking questions "why did you move to Forks?"

I look at him and tell him that my stepdad plays baseball and is on the road all the time so it was just easier to move in with my dad. "Huh," he says, "I thought you seemed like the type to have a backstory." I look at him and say, "oh trust me I have a backstory, just not one that needs to be told, now what the hell happened in 1835?"

* * * *

Well in 1835 he was turned, just 16 years after his birth in 1819. Eli couldn't be more pissed that his brother got 1800-1850 for the history project the class was working on, the 1800s is his area of expertise, but of course he was stuck with 1950-2000 a time in which Eli hated himself and was slowly trying to rejoin society after 20 years of separation. So he didn't get to embrace the culture too much.

After history was lunch like always Eli sat with his family, and like always he just read his book and looked around the cafeteria, his attention being turned towards the Swan twins as Lucky let out a huge laugh, they always seemed to be with friends or each other, Eli loved his siblings but he could baver be as close with the. as Lucky is with Bella. Bella just seemed so nice and carefree, Lucky nicer than Bella, and Bella more carefree than Lucky.

Eli wasn't too big of a fan of Bella, she was the reason Edward was in pain, but having a mate is no easy task, it is more than a one-way streak, just as you find your mate, you can lose them too, Eli found that out the hard way.

* * * *

Days past and Edward finally returned, and Eli was still upset with him, he was mad that Edward would just leave his family and new-found mate, in the blink of an eye, without any thought about the people around him.

Bella thought he hated her, which means she thought the whole family hated her, which was, of course, untrue, Alice didn't stop talking about what good friends they would be.

"What are you thinking about?" Alice asked one day at lunch while Eli was zoning out, like always, "do you think Bella knows?" He asked

"Knows what, Eli?" Alice asked, already knowing the answer,

"About Edward, and his feelings."

"How could she?" Emmett spoke up, "they've barely said one word to each other."

The rest of the group hummed in agreement

"But what if she senses something," Eli began, looking down to his twitching hands "Oliver always knew, before I said anything." He finished. Alice placed her hand on his "It isn't like that," she says looking at Eli, "I've seen it, they will be happy."

But Eli didn't believe her, he removed his hand from under hers rather quickly, turning back to his book. Alice has promised him too many false things, one of which crushed Eli, broke his heart into pieces, and damn near killed him.

* * * *

He's back, Edward Cullen is back, this means no more hysterical Bella, who has been a wreck over some boy she hasn't even spoken a word to, I'll never understand the female brain.

I see them talking in Biology. I'm happy for Bells, but I just wish a certain brother of Edward would talk to me. We have 3 classes together and we haven't even made eye contact yet, at least not properly, I'm sure he's caught me staring at him, more than once.

After school, we go to some diner with Charlie and meet some old friends of his, who Bella and I have no recollection of. The food is amazing, I get the BLT with fries, and man did I miss eating crap junk food. Since Phil was always on strict training diets we weren't allowed with unhealthy foods in the house.

Halfway through dinner Mike Newton, one of Bella's new friends comes over to the window and starts dancing and acting a fool, this makes Charlie ask Bella about boys if only he knew.

"Got your eyes on anyone Bells?" He asks, I wink at Bella knowing the answer, but of course she says no. After drilling Bella, he turns to me "what 'bout you son, any lucky ladies?" Oh god. What do I say, "nope dad I'm still gay." I swear not even a chainsaw could cut the tension in the room.

"Oh, right; any lucky boys then?" I say no, what else would I say, "ah yes dad, I'm crushing on the richest man in Forks son, he's super hot, really weird, and definitely straight." Yeah that's not it for me. I can't even tell my dad that I'm Bisexual because last time I did he told me it was a phase, so for simplicity, I told him I'm gay.

Being Bisexual in a town of homophobic hicks, and high schoolers who know nothing about sexuality sucks. That's why I'm going to remain in the closet, at least I'm still kind of attracted to women, so I can play it off as fully attracted. That way I won't be publicly shamed for being different, I guess the steps I took for acceptance in Arizona are being taken away.

Chapter 2: He's Back

Word Count: 1203

Date Published: March 12, 2020

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