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Part 3: Tutoring

"Okay Lucky, you don't seem to be understanding any of this," Emmett says to me in class a week into our project together, "why don't you come over tonight and you can have a tutoring session with Eli, he loves this kind of stuff." I can feel Eli look at us, I can feel him glaring at Emmett, I want to say no, but I need help, so I say yes, and before I can go back on my decision Emmett is giving me his number so we can figure out details, the bell rings, and we say our goodbyes. I see Eli chase after his brother, if he wasn't so hot, I wouldn't have even considered stepping foot in the Cullen house, but there's something about Eli like I want to be close to him; he pulls me in.

* * * *

Eli cannot believe his brother, he had no right to invite Lucky over like that and does he ever vocalize his displeasure. Eli pulls his brother into the bathroom and yells at him, Emmett knows how uncomfortable people make him, especially when they're in his space. But the decision has been made, Elijah Cullen is Lucky Swan's new history tutor.

* * * *

"Hey Swan," Mike calls out "a few of the guys were going to see a movie tonight, want to tag along?" he asks as he catches up with me in the hall, we head to the lunchroom and I respond "Can't man, sorry, I have plans." we sit at our table, the rest are already there, "You coming tonight?" Eric asks I tell him the same thing I told Mike, "you didn't tell me you had plans." Bella says, "Eli Cullen is tutoring me," I say and everyone looks at me, eyes wide, the Cullens weren't exactly known for helping people. "How the hell did you get a Cullen to tutor you?" Jessica asks, "More importantly how the hell did you get Eli Cullen to tutor you, I don't think I've even heard him speak before." Angela asks, now that I think about it I don't think I've heard him speak either.

Emmett picks me up at 6 o'clock, the drive to their house is long, and we don't speak much, just listen to the pop music Emmett is playing.

I don't know what I expected the Cullen house to look like, but it sure wasn't what I was seeing. The house was beautiful, the inside even better than the outside. Emmett showed me to the house, I was greeted by a woman I had never seen before, she pulled me into a hug and told me her name was Esme, and that she is Emmett's mother, Emmett told me that his father, Carlisle was still at work, and wouldn't be home until later. As we moved through the house I got to see more beautiful artwork and furniture. I knew the Cullens were rich, but I didn't think they were this rich.

I was lead down a hallway, that leads to a latter "Head up, and I'll go grab Eli, I believe he is with Jasper, I'll be right back." slowly I climb up the latter. I'm expecting a  little run-down attic, but instead, I'm greeted by a gorgeous loft, divided into two rooms by a navy blue wall. On one side of the room, there is a small table, with a bench on one side and grey chairs on the other, on the table there is a laptop, books, and a candle. The table is set on a beautiful royal blue rug. There are lively green plants everywhere, the dividing wall isn't a wall at all, but half is a fish tank, full of bright fish, and bright coral plants, the other half is shelves, full of books. Some of the books appeared older than time, by authors I had never heard of, while others looked brand new, like the Harry Potter series that was set in the middle of one shelf beside a brass telescope. I don't know how one person could have so many books. There was a record player in the corner, whispering classical music, I had never heard before. It was the same color as the rug, besides it, a big brick fireplace crackled, with more candles and succulents as well as pictures on the mantelpiece and a mounted flat screen tv. Across from it was a small seating area, with two white armchairs, and an earth green chesterfield, with shag pillows, and a throw blanket, I can't even imagine what's on the other side of the navy wall, but before I can look, I hear Emmett talking, and the latch opens.

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