The Meet

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#parseltongue# /(person whose thoughts are being expressed) [thoughts]

So, this story starts during the end of 4th year. Harry touches the porkey a second early than Cedric deliberately and find himself in a graveyard.

(Harry) [So this is where Voldemort is gonna be resurrected. i cant see anyone but u cant ever be too sure.]

Third persons POV

"lumos"Harry non-verbally casts. In front of him he sees the traitor rat and in his arms a bundle of robes. Wormtail sends the cruciatise curse towards Harry but he easily deflected it and he sends a spell of his own creation making the death eater froze, drop his wand, not able to do anything but hold the robe and speak

"yo-" Peter started

Harry cut him off by saying "look don't even try to kill me as i am way more skilled and faster that you. i know that what you are holding is what's left of the dark lord and the reason i am here is that to revive Voldemor- oh stop flinching. As i was saying to do the ritual you are planning to do requires foes blood not to mention your hand."

Peter's arms started shaking and most likely his whole would have been if not for the teens curse.

Seeing this he smirked which would make Lucius proud "What scared" he said " no need to worry thats not the only way and it wouldn't work a-"

"WHY? " Peter half-shouted, half exclaimed

This made Harry to smirk even more and he said giving a loopsided smile " because i don't see the dark lord as an enemy or foe."

This made the rat man drop the bundle only for harry to do a cusioning charm. At this point the bundle started moving, revealing the most ugly thing Harry had seen in his whole life. The baby practically screamed in an high pitched cold voice  " YOU FOOL. HOW DARE YOU DROP THE GREAT LORD VOLDEMORT ? " 

Peter fell on the ground as the spell broke and he could be seen writhing in pain holding over his dark mark screaming. At that pricise moment the lightning scar also started thobing and Harry yelled " KEEP YOUR ANGER IN CONTROL VOLDEMORT. I will not have my head split open in pain because a specific 'dark lord' lost his temper"

This did the trick and the ugly baby calmed down and turned to the black haired boy

" So u no longer hate me huh "

" I don't and i want to join the dark side"

" Why though "

" We can discuss this later on first we have to return your body i dont have much time you know Cedric might have called an alarm by now." then Harry added as an after thought " Unless you are planing to kill me"

"No unless you are" the cold voice said 

"we have an understanding then"

 The boy took out two vials fed one to the baby, poured the contents of the second vial in an circle, placed the bundle in the center and started chanting something very rapidly while placing a diary which levitated over the baby and in matter of seconds in its place stood a tall handsome man with sharp features and blood red eyes.

The man was dressed in the same robes he was a second ago wrapped in and started examining his body. he put his hand in his pocket to take out his wand.

A/N : this was the first chapter. HOW DID YOU LIKE IT!!!!!!!! This is my first story so don't mind if its terrible.

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