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Vaclav stood and stumbled to the side as he cried out. He hit the wall and started hitting it. “Stop it you whore!” he yelled at Suriel. “You piece of shit! You're stuck here because you're not worth going back!” Suriel stopped chanting and walked over towards him. He glared her with that vicious look, “He forgot all about you.”

Suriel gave him a hard look, “No Demon shall possess the life of an innocence no matter what. Let this body be saved from those creatures of who went against me. I commended you to leave and never come back.” she chanted.

Vaclav grabbed Suriel and slammed her against the wall, “It won't work—he doesn't have that much faith you bitch. You're only tempting me to be more violent.”

Suriel brought her hands up to his face and cupped his cheek before she started chanting in the old ancient language. He tried his best to be strong but he only went in pain. I got up from the ground and went behind him. I grabbed his arm and pulled away from Suriel. He kept trying to get out of my hold but I was stronger.

“Leave! Leave!” Suriel chanted and his flew back as he yelled in old.

Prohibre! Prohibre! Prohibre!” he yelled as he fell on his knees. Black veins spreading up to his face and his face roughened. His skin already started to look like a snake skin with the scales.

Suriel stopped the chant and she looked at me with concern, “It's not working—Dante isn't strong enough.”

Vaclav moved his head around in circle and kept talking nonsense about his creator in old Norse. The sounds of his neck cracking made me cringe. He brought his hands up and started chewing on at his skin. I thought back to the day when I first saw Dante after all those years and how his nails looked bad from all the biting. I tried to stop Vaclav but like a tantrum child he swung his arms and hit me. He ran his fingers through his hair and started pulling at it.

He started laughing that made me skin crawl, “This was always destined for Dante. His mother willingly let this happen and it's destined.”

I went in front of him and grabbed his chin as I made him look at me, “You listen to me, Vaclav. You will leave Dante. You have tormented him long enough already. He has already had so many things taken from him so I won't let you take his life from him.”

Suriel started saying a new chant. Something about letting the other soul inside come out and I think I knew what she was trying to do. I watched as Vaclav right eye turned green—the same green eye as Dante. I bent behind them both and wrapped my arms around him. I brought my mouth close to Dante side, “You have so much to live for, Dante. You think you don't but you do. Fight him and let it be over once and for all. I don't want to lose you, don't let me watch you give up. I know you're stronger than this. You have me and Zion—two people who will love you no matter what you do.”

Suriel started the chant again and I felt the body Vaclav still control stiffen in my arms. I closed my eyes, “Dante, fight. You can only help yourself now.”

Vaclav grabbed my hair and ripped me away from them. I roughly hit the ground and I propped myself up to watch as they started to hit the same body they share at the moment. They both started talking, yelling at each other and I looked at Suriel who given the same determine look she always gave when fighting. I looked back at Vaclav and Dante. Blood was running down from their ears and they started spitting up blood.

Suriel walked over to them and placed her hand on their forehead, “Leave now, Vaclav.”

He fell over, his hands flying out to stop their fall. Vaclav made a gagging sound before he threw up something that looked like tar and broken class. Suriel eyes widen as she looked down at it like she couldn’t believed it worked. She grabbed a tall candle behind her and threw it at the black mess on the ground. I watched it burst into flame and I quickly got up and grabbed Dante before the flame grew and brunt him.

A Heavenly Kiss. || Book FourWhere stories live. Discover now