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I began going up the staircase towards Azariah, his wings taller than him. They were an off white color but they had a shimmer to them. “When did they come?” I asked him.

“They just did.” he said, looking up at them. “I felt them pierce my back and it hurt a little. Then I saw a little girl—but it wasn't the same little girl I always have vision. She was different and I knew her name. Illeana. I saw her playing around in some park but then I saw an older version of her but it wasn't her. It was someone else and she threatened me. She told me she was coming."

“My God.” I said as I turned to face them. “That's why they want Dante. So they could bring her here.”

We all came up stairs and Nevaeh held Azariah close to her like any mother would do to their child. I began pacing in the kitchen, biting my nails. “I have to get Dante back.” I said, breathing heavily. “That Scroll will help him but not with her. God that's what you were born for, Azariah.”

“I'm not letting my son go against an high Angel.” Nevaeh coldly said. “Not that close or young.”

I turned to her, “He has no other choice, Nevaeh. No one else is gonna be here to do that. A thousand Angels won't be able to go against her with how strong she probably grown. And she has a whole army of Demons that could be coming with her! I'm talking about the ones who were sent back! They will kill anyone and who knows what they'll do to Hadrian.”

“I know allot of things but not the end result of this.” Azariah said.

“We'll teach him.” Courtney said.

“You're Hunter skills aren't gonna help this time.” I said loudly and coldly but not because I was angry. I was scared—I was deathly scared about the whole future.

Azariah cried out in pain and he brought his hands up to his head, groaning and moaning in pain. Her lowered to his knees and began speaking, “He is the one who sees God and holds the sword of flames. He who sent to when war comes to protect all who needs saving. She is who you will need to remind of what peace and serenity is. She is the rock who will hold you down.”

He stopped groaning and breathed heavily. He looked up at the ceiling for a moment before forcing himself out of Nevaeh arm and out to the front porch. We hurried behind him and right when he got to the porch some beaming light slammed down on the staircase. I grabbed Azariah back so he would get hurt.

Two familiar faces I stared at and a big lump formed my throat. The two High Angels stared down at Azariah and I loosened my arms, “Camael. Jophiel.” I breathed out and they looked up at me. Camael looked the same as he did the last time I saw him. Same old cold hard look. Jophiel was different with a beautiful soft Angelic smile on her smile on her face.

Camael stepped forward, “Time is coming, Azariah. You must start your training.”

“He's to young.” I said. Camael grabbed me by the throat and I cried out when he slammed me against the wall. I brought my hands up, trying to move them. Just because he was an Angel, doesn't mean he's gentle. He's the fucking General of protection and gentle isn't in his dictionary.

“You must not get in Heaven business, Aracelia. This is a warning.” he said before he let go. I brought my hand up to my throat and rubbed it. Nevaeh took Azariah shoulder, bringing him closer to her and Camael glared at her.

He opened his mouth but Jophiel breathed heavily, “Camael, calm down. She is his mother, you can't get in that way.”

“That's right, I am his mother.” Nevaeh said coldly. “Let me guess—He sent you both to train Azariah. Well we don't need you both, I can teach him.”

A Heavenly Kiss. || Book FourWhere stories live. Discover now