03:Lured in his territory

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Munching on my burger and scrolling in instagram,ignoring Lisa and Allan fighting "Y/N!"They both yelled out calling to me,I looked up raising my eyebrows "Yesh?"I asked "I'm prettier than La Na right?!"Lisa asked as Allan rolled his eyes "Lisa,Lana is freaking our school's spring queen!"Lisa rolled her eyes at Allan's statement "Why is it bad to dream?"Allan laughed "No,I'm just waking you up from your dream"Lisa shaked her head "Lisa your beautiful-"

I was gonna comfort her from Allan's harsh words when he cut me off "Yes you are but when you stand next to Lana you look like you're from the dead,Hahahaha!!!!"Allan opened his mouth so wide while laughing,while Lisa kept slapping his back very harshly.

"How about me Allan,am I prettier than Lana?"I asked

"Yes you are"A voice answered and it wasn't Allan but it was from behind me and I looked behind me slowly "Oh Jungkook,Hey"I greeted him as Lisa and Allan became quiet.

"You wanna sit here"His face brightened up and didn't become how he usually looks like and that was by giving an off vibe.

He took a sit beside me as Lisa and Allan became quiet as they eat their food quietly.

"What are you having?"Jungkook asked as he looked at my food "Oh my mom made it for me,you want some?"I asked as I noticed he had no lunch with him,a weird expression laid in his face the moment I asked him if he wanted some,he suddenly opened his mouth and me and the others watched in shock.

"Hey!feed me"he pouted as I laughed trying to make things not awkward,I fed him as he closed his eyes munching deliciously on the food.

Jungkook POV
She was asking me if I want some,she wanted to give me food that came from her mom,that was going to be my mother in law,My heart pounded the moment She fed me as I felt like we were a real couple not like it wasn't bound to happen,I just need to be patient.


It had been 2 days ever since and Jungkook acted way more strange but I didn't find the rights to be disgusted about it,as we became even closer and we talked about our hobbies and things we would like to experience in the future,I have noticed how I have been neglecting my friends for Jungkook,when I wanted to talk to them he always has a reason for me to go with him and that irritated me a little but at the same time,I couldn't complain it was nice having someone to talk to that just understood you,not that Lisa and Allan didn't.

But they don't find things that I like interesting,and even if Jungkook doesn't like it,he'll always try to understand why I found such activities interesting.

"Let's try studying in my room"He said and my eyes widened "H-huh?It's fine here"

I said as there wasn't anybody to disturb us,Jungkook started fanning himself as he wiped his sweat and I could already guess why he wants to move to his room "C'mon Y/N,It's better up there,there's an AC"He pulled me up as I gulped and here I was again not able to say no.

I followed him as he held my hand in his warmth.

We entered his room as it held a scent very familiar,my eyes landed on his table where I spot multiple bottles of perfume that I also use,it was a fragrance that was very much likely feminine.

I wondered why he would have that and it wasn't just one but too much to own.

He followed my gaze as he stuttered "Oh that...I thought spraying perfume in my room to get rid of the manly odor,since I knew you were coming"He said stuttering "But how did you know that's the perfume I use?"I questioned as he chuckled "You aren't the only person who has that kind of fragrance you know"I blushed at my ignorance.

"Now why don't we get started"

He placed his hand on my head and going further to my cheek as he caresses it.

"What are you doing"I stuttered.

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